The purpose of this project is to Analysis sales data and create beautiful dashboard with Power Bi of an Electronic store, extract meaning and display some business trends.
- Data Cleaning
- Data Exploration
- Data Visualization
- Data Manipulation
- Basic Statistics
- Microsoft Excel
- Power Bi
This repo contains 12 months of sales data of an Electronic store for Analysis, Now when it comes to dashboard everyone has their own way of creating dashboards and visualizing some meaningful insights. As a Data Analyst it is our duty to understand some complex trends/problems and visualize them as easy as we could. I divided this whole process into 5 main parts, hope you enjoyed.
- Loading Dataset
- Data Cleaning
- Adding some Necessary Columns
- Data Exploration (Most Important)
- Data Visualization
I have provided a json file of the theme I used for this project.
usage: Download file -> go to "view" (in Power Bi) -> click "down like arrow in theme palette" -> Select "Browse for themes" -> Select "Theme_used_for_this_dashboard.json file"
- linkedin:
- Gmail: [email protected]
Thanks to Keith Galli for providing this dataset.