- list()
- List the service available
- show()
- Show the detail of the service you choose
- choice()
- Provide information about what membership you need in order to get that service
- list()
- show
- Show the password and userid stored
- update
- Update the account information
- deelete
- Delete account information
- show
- show
- Show collected information
- update
- Update information
- delete
- Delete information
- show
Module1:Free Membership
- show_budget_chart()
- Shows chart of current savings vs goal
- add_amount()
- Add money to the savings
- withdraw_amount()
- Withdraw money from the savings
- show_budget_chart()
Module2:Basic Membership
- user_expenditure_data():
- Get user’s data on expenditure area and the expenditure for a month
- expenditure_chart()
- Displays graph of user expenditure made under each category
- analysis_and_budget_suggestion()
- Displays three options for budget savings on top most concern area
- reward_calculator()
- Calculates the reward for each of the three options
- user_expenditure_data():
Module3:Premium Membership(Basic Membership)
- ideal_expenditure_chart(user_salary)
- Displays graph of ideal vs user expenditure made under each category
- analysis_and_budget_suggestion() (overridden)
- Displays three options for budget savings on op most concern areas
- reward_calculator() (overridden)
- Calculates the reward for each of the three options
- ideal_expenditure_chart(user_salary)