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DavidMansolino committed Dec 3, 2018
1 parent ceda9e8 commit 8364fc9
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Showing 11,276 changed files with 1,937,650 additions and 32 deletions.
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions .atom-build.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"name": "launch Webots",
"cmd": "./webots",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/webots",
"args": [ "--mode=pause" ],
"targets": {
"all release": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}",
"args": [ "release", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ]
"all debug": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}",
"args": [ "debug", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ]
"all clean": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}",
"args": [ "clean" ]
"webots release": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/webots",
"args": [ "release", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ],
"errorMatch": "(?<file>[\\/0-9a-zA-Z\\._]+):(?<line>\\d+):(?<col>\\d+):\\s+(?<message>.+)"
"webots debug": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/webots",
"args": [ "debug", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ],
"errorMatch": "(?<file>[\\/0-9a-zA-Z\\._]+):(?<line>\\d+):(?<col>\\d+):\\s+(?<message>.+)"
"webots clean": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/webots",
"args": [ "clean" ]
"controller release": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/lib/Controller",
"args": [ "release", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ],
"errorMatch": "(?<file>[\\/0-9a-zA-Z\\._]+):(?<line>\\d+):(?<col>\\d+):\\s+(?<message>.+)"
"controller debug": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/lib/Controller",
"args": [ "debug", "-j$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSOR" ],
"errorMatch": "(?<file>[\\/0-9a-zA-Z\\._]+):(?<line>\\d+):(?<col>\\d+):\\s+(?<message>.+)"
"controller clean": {
"cmd": "make",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/src/lib/Controller",
"args": [ "clean" ]
"export doc": {
"cmd": "python",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/docs"
"test doc": {
"cmd": "python -m unittest discover",
"cwd": "{PROJECT_PATH}/docs"
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
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164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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