This repository contains Dockerfiles that build protocol buffer generation scripts for SafetyCulture's supported languages. Removing the need to setup Protoc (v3) on your local machine. It relies on setting a simple volume to the docker container, and it will take care of the rest.
There are a number of images published for different language support
These images can be used to run protoc
and the respective plugins to generate the required output:
docker run \
-v $(PWD):/protos \
-u $(UID) \
-w /protos \
--entrypoint "protoc" \ \
-Iprotos -Ithird_party \
--go_out $(GO_OUT_DIR)/ \
--go-grpc_out $(GO_OUT_DIR)/ \
--grpc-gateway_out $(GO_OUT_DIR)/ \
--grpc-gateway_opt logtostderr=true \
--grpc-gateway_opt generate_unbound_methods=true \
--govalidator_out $(GO_OUT_DIR)/ \
--go-vtproto_out $(GO_OUT_DIR)/ \
--go-vtproto_opt=features=marshal+unmarshal+size \
- update the version in xxx/version.txt. This version will be used to tag the new docker image.
- update the relevant version info in the Dockerfile for the respective language.
- trigger a new build and select the image you want to build.
Create release tag
is unselected the image will be tagged with${version}-pre#{datetime}
Alternatively you can manually build and publish these images by running the following make commands.
buildAll Generates all the protoc docker containers
cpp Builds the protoc docker container for `cpp`
go Builds the protoc docker container for `go`
java Builds the protoc docker container for `java`
node Builds the protoc docker container for `node`
protoc Builds the protoc docker container
swift Builds the protoc docker container for `swift`
web Builds the protoc docker container for `web`