Internet_programing_project This is a web app which enables survey to be done digitally on a website.This project is currently under development by 5 group members.
**Survey System**
As group we wanted to work on a platform which enables survey to be done digitally on a website. working on this system or developing this platform will bring many changes first it makes the survey system digitized second it will enable the surveyor to easily get response on their survey from a lot of respondents and make conclusion based on the collected data third it will financially benefit those who are going to fill the questionnaire ( the respondents ) since the respondents are going to be rewarded after completing the questionnaire . Website survey is a means of gathering both qualitative and quantitative user feedback used for commercial products, research papers and market analysis. a website we are going to develop will provide a platform over which online survey will be held . On this platform(website) peoples(researchers, Business owners) are able to create survey or questionnaire of their wish and it will be made available for others who are ready to fill the questionnaire and enjoy the reward . This eventually allows researchers, Business owners to collect very accurate data from their targeted groups. We are thinking of adding algorithm which enables researchers or Business owners reach their targeted groups through either letting the respondents pass through some questions and checking if they are really qualified or by looking at the data provided by respondent while they sign up for the website.
Features include:
-Sign up and login options.
-it offers a wide variety of question types, including short text responses, long text responses, dropdowns lists, dates, multiple choice, picture choice, question groups, yes/no questions, ratings, opinion scales, and more.
-Multilingual surveys,
-email notifications,
-Survey respondents will be rewarded with a mobile card, CBE birr or Telebirr based on their preference.
Group members
1.Matiyas Yohannes ETS 0437/12
2.Matiyas seifu ETS 0437/12
3.Mehari Tesfaye ETS 0440/12
4.Kidus Haile ETS 0404/12
5.Mihret Tibebe ETS 0469/12
6.Rahwa Berhane ETS 0558/12