This app related to Gardening, you can buy or sell your plants and gardening tools and medicate your plants using plants disease section in this app.
Use different functionality of Google firebase like Database and Storage and authentication for Login to App .Handle JSON format database for storing data of any specific user and Still I am working on it.
- Buy or Sell Plants from G Care.
- Buy or Sell Gardening Tools from G Care.
- Buy Medicine for Your Plants from G Care.
When any user will Open App, animated Splash screen will come logo and logo line.
- This is First time login Activity , when any new user comes here his or her details saves in Google Realtime database with a unique user ID.If user already has signup with us click on Already User?Login here , it goes to login activity.
- This worked on Firebase Authentication Using Email.
@data at firebase Realtime Database
-Here you have to fill your email and password register with us....if filling details is correct then you goes to app home screen.
This is Drawer with the use of this you can see you Profile and do logout form the app.
Logout works using firebase logout method.
After logout you go to Sign Up! activity again.
If you tab profile in Drawer section then you will be at profile activity .
Your email and mobile no. will come from firebase Realtime Database.
You can upload your picture using click on camera icon.....your profile image will saves in Firebase Storage. @ Image at Storage Database
1. Plants Fragment
2. Tools Fragment
3. Diasease Fragment
- Use Recycle View for showing data comes from database.
- Data which is coming from fire base is Plant Image, Plant Name, Plant price, Description.
@ Updation of Plants
- Data which is coming from fire base is Tools Image, Tool Name, tool price, Description.
- Use Recycle View for showing data comes from database.
@ Updation of Tools
- In this section we medicate plants , there are some process which you have to follow.
- Step 1:-
- Upload your plant image with Diasease.
- Step 2:-
- Wait for 24 hrs for our team survey.
- Step 3:-
- Diasease Name , Diasease Medicine and how long you have to treat overall processed data will come .
- Step 4:-
@ Feed back to Users Plant Diasease
- After feedback our app will update the data at user interface successfully:
Want to promote Gardening in busy life style with our App.
Give opportunity to poor people who grow plants from plant seeds.
Give opportunity to poor people who Make hardware tools.
It became helpful to overcome Polution.