TICA is a cleaning & authoring tool for TM-based pipeline to construct indoor space models.
- Editing polygons (e.g. edit polygons, creating rooms, walls)
- Annotating indoor features (doors, public safety features)
- OpenGL, GLEW, GLFW, libjpeg, ImGui
- Tested on Visual Studio 2017 (Windows)
- Install depdendencies with vcpkg
- vcpkg install opengl glew glfw3 imgui libjpeg-turbo boost-uuid
- Generate VS Project file with CMake GUI
- Choose /src as source code folder
- Choose /build as build folder
- Click Configure
- Click Generate
- Build the project
- Open the generated project file using Visual Studio
- Set TICAv022 as start project
- Build
- If build fails with linking error, please add "bcrypt.lib" into Project Property > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies
- You can also use the pre-built binary files at /prebuilt
Camera Moving
- W/S/A/D: Move forward/backward/left/right
- T/G: Move up/down
- Right Click: Camera rotation
- Left Click: Select/deselect objects
Geometry Editor
- Edit Polygons Mode
- To create a vertex, Click in the middle of an edge.
- To remove a vertex, press ESC key while dragging the vertex.
- To create a facet, select one facet before click the "Edit Polygons" menu. Then you can see the grid representing the base plane containing the selected facet. Clicking on that plane will creates a facet.
- Click "OK" button to quit the polygon editing mode.
- Make a room.
- Create a floor facet in "Edit Polygon" mode, and Click "OK" button.
- Select the created floor facet.
- Click "Make 2.5D Solid" menu.
- Set the height by dragging up/down on the screen.
- Click "OK" button.
- Make a wall.
- Select an edge.
- Click "Make Wall."
- Set the height by dragging up/down on the screen.
- Click "OK" button.
- Make Connection between facets
- After selecting two facets, click "Make Connection."
- Click on a facet will create a vertex sequentially.
- Click "OK" button to finalize the connection editining.
- Vertex Alignment
- To make edge (u,v) parallel to edge (x,y)
- Select edge (x,y) and vertices u,v.
- Click "Make parallel" menu.
- To make edge (u,v) perpendicular to edge (x,u).
- Select edge (x,u) and vertex v.
- Click "Make perpendicular" menu.
- Selected edges and vertices should be those of a facet that is not adjacent to any other.
- To make edge (u,v) parallel to edge (x,y)
- Edit Polygons Mode
State Editor
- After entering into the State Editor mode, the geometry becomes fixed, and connections are converted as a cellspace.
- Edit State/Transition
- Place Public Safety Features
- Click "Place a Public Safety Feature" menu.
- Choose a feature type (fire extinguisher, indoor hydrant).
- Click the position to locate a public safety feature.
- Clicked facet will be highlighted.
- Click "OK" to finalize the current placement.
- Interlayer Connection Editor
- Select a state for a room or corridor.
- Click "Interlayer Connection Editor" menu.
- Select states of nonnavigables that belong to the selected room/corridor.
- Selected states will be highlighted with yellow.
- Click "OK" button to finalize the connection setting.
- Export InFactory Queries
- Export the current state as InFactory queries.
- In the output file, each query is comprised of two lines:
- Query URL
- Json data
- You can generate the corresponding IndoorGML file using the included Python script /script/request-infactory.py
- Geometry (.geom)
- If a facet has n vertices without any hole:
- n 0
- x1 y1 z1 i1
- x2 y2 z2 i2
- ...
- xn yn zn in
- (xj,yj,zj) is the coordinate and ij is the index number of vertex j.
- If a facet has n vertices as its exterior and has h holes.
- n h
- xj yj zj ij ( * n lines)
- h1 (=number of vertices of hole 1)
- xj yj zj ij ( * h1 lines)
- so on ...
- If a facet has n vertices without any hole:
- Cubemap Texture info (.texinfo)
- Each cubemap texture information consists of two lines indicating the paths of the texture image file and the camera pose file.
- Obstacle List (.txt)
- List of pcd file path.