Testing suite for the DESGW Data Pipeline
Started during the DESGW Workshop Oct 11 - 14
Configure dagmaker.rc
a) A script that grabs exposures based on a random sky map and returns a df of exposures (templates and search). This includes some selection criteria to select which set of exposures will be search versus template images and require consecutive expnums, >30sec and < 200?sec exposures, and teff limits.
b) A script that edits dagmaker.rc to ensure we don’t use the chosen search exposures as templates (e.g., edits the min / max nite, teff limits, t window, and season).
c) A script to verify the dagmaker.rc file was configured correctly. Includes smart assert statements.
Run DAGMaker and submit jobs
a) A script that runs DAGMaker for the search exposures and submits the resulting dag files. Includes checks to ensure that the dag is what we expect and that the jobs were submitted.
Evaluatate the success of SEDiff
a) A script that checks how many .FAILs are present in /pnfs in the forcephoto and normal areas.
Run Post Processing
a) A script to create the postproc_SEASON.ini file with the appropriate settings
b) A script to run the Post-Processing Pipeline.
Evaluate the success of Post-Processing
a) Check for dat files, html, stamps for the test event.