This repository provides ROS 2 packages containing utilities for connecting your ROS system to the RoboCup Small Size League (SSL) standard systems, such as ssl-vision and the Game Controller.
This repo is designed to be built in a colcon workspace. You can clone this repo alongside your own code or as a submodule within your own repository.
The intended usage of these packages is to configure and run the nodes in the ssl_ros_bridge package alongside your own nodes. Each node is provided as a component with a standalone executable available. Either can be used.
For most teams, in most scenarios, the only parameter that needs to be configured is the team name. Automatic discovery and multi-interface multicast listening will handle most common network setups.
Two launch files are provided in ssl_ros_bridge for basic scenarios: ssl_ros_bridge.launch.xml and ssl_ros_bridge_localhost_only.launch.xml. The first listens for multicast traffic on all interfaces. The localhost only launch file restricts the multicast listening to the loopback interface ( and sets the game controller server address to The localhost only launch file is useful when using simulation to prevent traffic from other simulation setups on the same network from interfering with your system.
You may need to enable multicast on the loopback interface as many linux environments have it disabled by default.
Either of these launch files can be included in your own launch file, specifying your team name.
<include file="$(find-pkg-share ssl_ros_bridge)/launch/ssl_ros_bridge.launch.xml">
<arg name="team_name" value="Your Team Name" />
The ssl_ros_bridge package also provides the log2bag
executable for converting SSL game logs to ROS bags. The output bag file will have the same name as the log file (without the .log extension).
ros2 run ssl_ros_bridge log2bag /path/to/game/log.log
log2bag does not currently support compressed logs (*.log.gz). You can do this with
gunzip -k LogFile.log.gz
This package includes the league-defined protobuf files and builds them into a library available for other packages.
This package defines ROS messages which closely mirror the league protobufs.
The SSL League protobufs make extensive use of optional fields, which are unfortunately not currently supported in ROS messages. ssl_ros_bridge uses array field types to hold optionals. These fields will either hold one or zero elements. This does introduce some ambiguity between optional fields and actual array fields. Users should refer to the corresponding protobuf definitions for clarity.
ROS fields do support bounded-size array types. We could enforce the "zero or one" behavior with these size limits, but this has caused problems with some ROS tools in the past (ie. PlotJuggler) which don't parse the message definitions correctly with these limits in place.
The league protobufs include a few recursive definitions. For example, the GameEvent
message may hold a MultipleFouls
message which itself holds an array of GameEvent
messages. ROS does not support recursive message types. In practice, most teams will not need these fields, so ssl_ros_bridge omits them from the ROS messages.
This package defines interfaces used by the bridge nodes which are not mirrors of league messages. These are mostly services users can use to send requests up to league software.
This package provides the nodes which implement the bridge between league software and ROS systems.
This node listens for the multicast vision messages sent by ssl-vision and publishes them into ROS.
- ~/vision_messages
- Type: ssl_league_msgs/msg/VisionWrapper
- Contains vision data including robot detections, ball detections, and field geometry.
- ssl_vision_ip
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- The multicast group address to listen for.
- ssl_vision_port
- Type: int
- Default: 10020
- The multicast group port to listen for.
- net_interface_address
- Type: string
- Default: empty
- When empty, the node will join the multicast group on all interfaces. When set to an IP address associated with one of your machine's network interfaces, the node will only join the multicast group on that interface.
This node listens for multicast game controller messages and republishes them into ROS.
The team client node needs to know the IP address fo the game controller server to establish its connection. This address is often different at different fields even within the same event and can be tedious to keep configured correctly. The game controller bridge node will automatically configure the team client node with the correct address based on the sender of the multicast messages. The game controller bridge will only reconfigure the team client node if it is not already connected.
- ~/referee_messages
- Type: ssl_league_msgs/msg/Referee
- Contains the latest information from the game controller.
- /team_client_node/connection_status
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/msg/TeamClientConnectionStatus
- Used for automatic game controller discovery.
- /team_client_node/reconnect
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/srv/ReconnectTeamClient
- Used for automatic game controller discovery.
- multicast.address
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- The multicast group address to listen for.
- multicast.port
- Type: int
- Default: 10003
- The multicast group port to listen for.
- net_interface_address
- Type: string
- Default: empty
- When empty, the node will join the multicast group on all interfaces. When set to an IP address associated with one of your machine's network interfaces, the node will only join the multicast group on that interface.
This node connects as a team client to the game controller server. ROS services can then be used to send requests to the game controller, such as changing the goal keeper ID number.
Note: Encrypted connections are not currently supported.
- ~/connection_status
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/msg/TeamClientConnectionStatus
- Contains the connection status and ping time of the team client to the game controller server.
- ~/set_desired_keeper
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/srv/SetDesiredKeeper
- Sends a request to the game controller to change your team's keeper ID.
- ~/substitute_bot
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/srv/SubstituteBot
- Sends a request to the game controller to substitute a bot.
- ~/reconnect
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/srv/ReconnectTeamClient
- Reconnects the team client to the game controller.
- Note: If the address field of the request is empty, the team client node will reconnect to the same server it was previously configured for. If the address field of the request is not empty, the
parameter will be overwritten with this new address.
- ~/set_advantage_choice
- Type: ssl_ros_bridge_msgs/srv/SetTeamAdvantageChoice
- Sends a request to set the team's advantage choice to the game controller.
- gc_ip_address
- Type: string
- Default: empty
- The address of the game controller server. Leave empty to let the game controller bridge discovery the address automatically.
- gc_port
- Type: int
- Default: 10008
- The port on the game controller server the team client will connect to.
- team_name
- Type: string
- Default: "Test Team"
- The name of the team the client will try to connect as.
- team_color
- Type: string
- Default: "auto"
- The team color to connect as. Only relevant if a team is playing against itself and the identical team names need to be disambiguated.