please treat your APP ID and API HASH with care, and ensure that they do not fall into wrong hands.
Telegram said: It is forbidden to pass this value to third parties.
- can be found on Telegram
🙄 @api_scrapper_bot is the only Telegram RoBot, which is using this repository code. For any other bots, ask the respective bot developers, for the source code, before sending *any private credentials" to the bots.
- Should you Trust this bot?
- NO. you should never sent any of your private credentials to unknown third-party Telegram Bots. This bot / source code was an attempt to scrap
- NO. you should never sent any of your private credentials to unknown third-party Telegram Bots. This bot / source code was an attempt to scrap
- clone the repository, locally.
git clone
- change the directory.
cd MyTelegramOrg
- create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv
- activate the virtual environment.
. ./venv/bin/activate
- install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
create config.env
run the bot
python -m bot
- Only
environment variables is mandatory. - The Telegram RoBot should work without setting the non-mandatory variables.
- Please report any issues to the support group: @SuraReddyTheProgrammer
check out the helper_funcs directory, to see how is scrapped.
- Libraries Used:
- Thanks to: