The project Process notifer is just a python script for notify a specific task which you performing on a linux machine.In some case like buliding your prAoject might take a lot time inorder to notify you after the completion of the bulid process via mobile phone by simple pop-up notification.
- To start off with we need to download the push butllet app for our andriod phone.
- Next to that create a account on it and also go to push-bullet website.
- create an API token from Settings->Account->Create Access Token.
- clone the repository using git clone.
$ git clone
- Navigate to the directory and type make install command
$ make install
this will automatically insall all the dependencies.It also ask for API key past the Api key which you have created in pushbullet looks similary like this
Do you have Api key Y/n ?y
Enter the new Api key : #paste your Api-key
once it is all done, add the path to the environment variable so that you can acess from any directory.
To uninstall the script navigate to the Notify directory and type the command
$ make uninstall
it will automatically removes the apikeys stored in .notify directory.
./ -C "command to be executed" -N "text should be showed on pop msg (Optional)."
./ -C "make bulid" -N "Your bulid is completed."
it automatically send a pop-up notification to your mobile once the command has be commpleted.