My personal portfolio. Forked from Gatsby blog starter.
- Light/Dark theme toggle based on CSS variables
- Code syntax themes based on theme selection
- Markdown based blog
- Markdown based projects layout including a carousel for featured projects
- Cool blurry navbar in Apple style
- Fully accessible by keyboard only
- Blazing fast™
- AI generated text to speech for blog posts
- Install dependencies :
npm i
(you may need to installvips
:brew install vips
) - Start dev server:
npm start
- visit http://localhost:8000
- Build latest changes:
npm build
- Serve it locally:
npm serve
- visit http://localhost:9000
node ./createBlog.js name-of-folder-goes-here
Edit the frontmatter at the top of the generated
file:--- title: How to use DigitalOcean Spaces as a CMS # title to display date: 2020-11-08T18:14:47.654Z # new Date() - recent posts are marked with new type: digitalocean # which icon to use, e.g digitalocean = digitalocean.svg inside content/assets/ action: copy # copy = copy button on code blocks, code = runs code on code blocks ---
Add images if you wish into the folder and use them in the markdown e.g

Visit the blog page and see the new post at the top of the list
The same can be done for a project, except into the /projects
- A project also has a preview, so add
image: "./preview.jpg"
to the frontmatter and include a preview image in the folder - A project can also be featured (on the top carousel): add
featured: true
orfeatured: false
to the frontmatter