5 commits
to development
since this release
Feature Property Changes
Added server configuration properties:
New Features
- Create Survey data structure #13250
- Create Survey pages #13252
- Create Survey tokens pages #13253
- Import Survey Tokens #13191
- Add upload of Document and email template for Survey #13192
- Add an import feature at cases to update the survey token responses #13199
- Send a survey request email to a case person's email #13193
- Create a Survey request document to a case Person's #13195
- Add a "Survey" Card to the case view #13194
- Add Survey filters to the cases view #13197
Web Application
- Add Manual Case Classification for Self-Report Processing #13226
- [LUX] RSV disease parse sample "Specify other type" field incorrect filled #13220
- Birthdate filter does not hold the selected values #13231