The HTML Bootstrap editor allows you to create a much more attractive and responsive layout. It is based on the Bootstrap 4 framework and its drag-and-drop usage makes it easy to integrate content into Moodle. It offers a wide range of elements (text, image, Youtube video, embed elements, etc.) commonly used today. This editor meets the first level of accessibility standards and ensures a consistent presentation of content, regardless of the type of device used: computer, tablet or smartphone.
- Bootstrap 4.6
- jQuery
- FontAwesome
In order to make work custom components (for example: flipcard, videobtn) the following files must be added in the HTML page
- extra/content.js
- extra/styles.css
To make the Pixabay feature available inside the editor, the administrator must:
- Create a Pixabay account, which will generate an API key automatically
- Copy the generated API key in the 'Parameters' section on this page:
- Assign the setting pixabaykey to the getSetting object.
In order for the editor to work, an interface needs to be implemented. You can see an example here: