The data is cut into 512 * 512 patches with overlapping
The data files are arranged as follows:
|__512(Patch Size)
|__B1:patch name.tif
|__mask:patch name_mask.tif
|__datatype_patch_name.csv(ContainingFile all patches' names, does not contain suffix)
|__256(Patch Size)
This dataset comprises cloud masks for 513 1022-by-1022 pixel subscenes, at 20m resolution, sampled random from the 2018 Level-1C Sentinel-2 archive.
The data format is numpy array file(.npy)
The data is cut into 512 * 512 patches with overlapping
The data files are arranged as follows:
|__img:Patch Name.npy
|__mask:Patch Name.npy
|__datatype.csv(ContainingFile all patches' names, including suffix)
This data set simply outputs a pair of sentinel2 and landsat8 data in order to explore the cloud detection method across remote sensing platforms