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1 – Create an Event
Click on the Summit Events tab on the top menu.
Click the New button on the Summit Event Home page.
Step 3 only applies if you are using record types. Record types are used to only display the fields and picklist values relevant to your department instead of displaying all fields
- Select the Summit Event Record Type for your department and click Next to open the Summit Event Edit page. You will be in the Edit mode of the event.
Optional: If you will only be using one record type, you can skip the step of selecting the record type each time by using these instructions to set a default record type.
- You will need to enter information to set up an event on the Summit Event Edit page. Salesforce organizes the fields into sections. These are the sections on the page (these sections are described in detail below):
- Information (“Details” in the View mode)
- Options
- Audience and Location
- Programs related to event
- Event Description
- Additional Questions (Optional)
- Appointment Option Page
- Submit Page
- Confirmation Page
- Cancel Review Page
- Analytic Tracking (Advanced users only)
Event Label: This is a Salesforce standard field. Salesforce uses this field across the system. For example, other event objects (will be explained later) such as Summit Event Instances and Summit Event Registrations use this field as a reference to a parent event.
Event Status: For tracking the status of the event and can be used for list views and reporting. The field has the following picklist values:
- Planning
- Active (The event calendar only displays events with an Active Status.)
- Inactive
- Closed
- Canceled
Note: You can preview how the event appears on the calendar by clicking the Preview Event Webform button on the View page of the event.
Event Name: The name of the event. The Event Label and Event Name can be different. The event registration page only shows the Event name. Event Label is used internally in Salesforce.
Event Type: Choose an event type from the picklist to meet your needs. The Event Type is usually used for reporting. The field uses picklist values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type.
Start Date: The start date of the event. The Start Date will NOT be displayed on the event registration page or affects the event registration process. It is an informative field of the event and can be used for reporting in the future.
End Date: The end date of the event. Same as the Start Date, the End Date will NOT be displayed on the event registration page or affects the event registration process. It is an informative field of the event and can be used for reporting.
Contact Creation: These values determine how Contacts will be created for your event registrants. Here are the three options available:
- Full matching contact creation with duplicate management
- Hard matching contact creation and with no duplicate management
- No matching or contact creation
Owner: The Salesforce user who creates the event. Salesfoce automatically fills in the value when a user creates an event.
Template: Pre-programmed template/page layout for the event registration pages. The field has the following picklist values:
- GeneralSLDS: this is the default template based on the Salesforce Lightning Design System.
Note: You are encouraged to create your own custom templates and add them as options to this field.
Alternative Registration URL: If you do not wish to use Salesforce for event registration but rather another event system, please enter the URL to that registration page to this field. For example, you want people to register the event on Eventbrite. By using this field, you will just create a shell for the event in Salesforce. Salesforce will not execute the registration process or store any registration-related data. The whole registration process will be handled by the external event system.
Event Home Link Title: The title that will appear as a link at the top of the event registration page.
Event Home Link URL: No need to fill in this field. It is a customized field that has a formula.
Record Type: Record types are used to only display the fields and picklist values relevant to your department instead of displaying all fields. Record types are optional and need to be created by your Salesforce admin.
Community Base URL: (Formula) The base URL of the Salesforce community. This is not the start of the event app, just the start of the orgs community.
Event Instance Feed URL: (Formula) You will not need to edit this.
Note: Although you will need to set up a Summit Event Instance to view the event registration page, the screenshot below shows how the fields in the Information section display on the registration page.
Ask Mailing Address: Specify whether to ask mailing address on the registration page. The default value is Checked. On the event registration page, the Street, Zip, City, and State are required to submit a registration.
Ask Phone: Specify whether to ask phone numbers on the registration page. The default value is Checked. The phone numbers are asked under the Student Information section on the event registration page. Home Phone, Mobile Phone and a checkbox “I am willing to receive text messages about this event” are given on the page, but none of them are required to submit the registration.
Ask if Parent: Ask whether the registrant is a parent/guardian or student. The default value is Unchecked. If the box is checked, the registrant will have to pick a value from the drop-down list “I am:” on the event registration page. The values in the drop-down list are:
- The student
- A student parent/guardian
- Other
Include Time frame List: Ask whether the registrant has a preferred visit time. The default value is Unchecked. If the box is checked, the registrant will have to pick a value from the drop-down list “Preferred visit Time” on the event registration page. The drop-down menu is under the Additional Information section. The values in the drop-down list are:
- Morning
- Afternoon
- All Day
Ask Date of Birth: Has the following three options:
- Do not ask
- Ask
- Ask and require
Allow Other Attendees: Specify whether to allow other attendees to the event in addition to the registrant. The default value is Unchecked.
Max Other Attendees: If Allow Other Attendees is checked, then specify how many other attendees are allowed to the event. The registrant will need to choose the number of other attendees from a drop-down list “Additional Guests” that is under the Additional Information section. The values in the drop-down list are incremental integers that start from 0 to the number of the max attendees allowed.
Close Event Days Before: The amount of days before the event starts that you want the registration to close. It can be used to set the deadline for the registration. The field defaults to be 0.
College High School Ask: Specify whether to ask high school and college information, high school graduation date or last attendance year of college. The default value is Blank. The field has the following picklist values:
- Don’t Ask: The registration page would not ask the registrant to provide either the high school or college info.
- Both College and HS: Registering the event requires the registrant’ s responses to both high school and college info.
- HS Only: Registering the event only requires the registrant’ s response to the high school info.
- College Only: Registering the event only requires the registrant’ s response to the college info.
- Auto Select on Audience: The registration page will determine whether to ask the high school or college info based on the value in the Audience field in the Audience and Location section (explained below) and the people’s response to “Select who you are to see events that are curated for you” when viewing the event calendar. For example, if you select High School Senior and Transfer for the Audience field values and the registrant chooses High School Senior when viewing the event calendar, the event registration page will only ask the high school info. But if the registrant chooses Transfer, the registration page will only ask the college info instead.
Note: This field will not work properly if the registrant navigates to the event NOT from the event calendar. For example, if the registrant navigates to the event registration page by the link of the registration, the system will be confused about who the registrant is (since the audience info is not provided) and will not ask either the high school or college info on the registration page.
On the event registration page, the registrant provides the school name using a drop-down searching tool. The registrant can check “I can’t find my High School/College” is the school entered cannot be found from the search tool. Graduation Year and Last year attended need to be filled in with a 4-digit year format.
Ask Gender: Specify whether to ask registrants’ gender. The default value is Blank. The field has the following picklist values:
- Do Not Ask: The registration page would not ask the gender info.
- Ask but do not require: The registration page has a section to ask a registrant’s gender, but the response is not required to register the event.
- Ask and require: The registrant’ s response to the gender is required in order to register the event. If Ask but do not require or Ask and require is selected, the registrant will need to choose the gender from a drop-down list “Sex” that is under the Additional Information section. The values from the drop-down list are “Male” and “Female”.
Hand Raise Action: Creates a system based receipt of client interest outside of the event application.
- None
- Touchpoint
Location Type: Select the campus where the event will be hosted or off campus. The field uses picklist values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type.
Location Title: Title of the location where the event will be hosted. That will also be used for the Location Map Link on the event registration page. The Location Tile is displayed under the Event Details on the event registration page. If you use Location Map Link (explained below), you will see the Location Tile repeats underneath but it is a hyperlink to the map.
Location Address: The address of the location where the event will be hosted.
Location Map Link: URL link to a map of the event location. Displayed as a hyperlink with the text of the Location Title on the event registration page.
Note: The URL link in the browser might not be the link of the map. For example, if you want to get the link of a Google Map, you will need to click Share and copy the link that the system generates.
Building: Select a building where the event will be hosted. The field uses picklist values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type.
Feed Registration Button Text: The default value is Register. The text of the registration link in the feeds that appear on external Web sites.
Audience: Choose the audience that the event is targeted. The selection will affect whether the event is visible to prospective event participants based on their responses to who they are on the event calendar. It will also affect whether and how the registration page asks about the high school or college info if Auto Select on Audience is selected for the College High School Ask field(explained in the Options section above). This is a multi-select field that has the values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type.
School: School that the event is representing. It is a lookup field that is linked to the School object (or the object where your organization stores school records). The value entered should be matched with the School Name value in the School object. You can manually type in the school name or click the Lookup button on the right to open a lookup page. You can find the school name on the lookup page by searching the school name or school-related info (field value in the School object) such as Dean, School Address, City and so on. The value in the School field here will also affect the Available Programs to choose if we want to ask registrant the program of interest in the next section of “Programs related to event”, which will be explained more later.
Applicant Type: The applicant type of registrant. The field uses picklist values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type. Use this field if you know all the event registrants will fall under the same applicant type. If the field is not used, the registrant will be asked to provide applicant type (but not required for registration submission) under the Student Information section on the event registration page. If you use this field when creating an event, the registrant will not be asked Application Type on the registration page.
Event Sponsor: Select an event sponsor from the picklist. This will allow filtering on the event based on non-program events and can be used for reporting in the future. This is a multi-select field that has the values that have been defined by your Salesforce admin for your org and record type.
Note: For this section, it is much easier to work on in the View mode rather than the Edit page/mode. The attached screenshot below is a snapshot of the View Mode.
Ask Registration Program of Interest: Specify whether to ask the registrant the program of interest. It will be displayed under the Additional Information section on the registration page and the registrant will select a program/programs from a dropdown list. The field has the following picklist values:
- Do Not Ask: Do not ask the program of interest on the registration page.
- Ask but do not require: Ask the program of interest but the response is not required to register the event.
- Ask and require: Ask the program of interest and the response is required to register the event. The registrant can have up to 4 selections.
- Ask and require one selection: Ask the program of interest but the response is required to register the event. The registrant can ONLY have one selection.
After specifying whether to ask the program of interest, you can also determine what programs that the registrant can choose from the dropdown list. For example, if you only want the registrant to choose programs from the business school, you can select the programs from the list of Available Programs, click the right arrow button to add them to the list of Selected Programs. If you want to remove Selected Programs, highlight the programs in the Selected Programs list and click the left arrow button. You can also use the Up and Down arrow buttons on the right to the Selected Programs to change the order. Once the selection is completed, click the Update Selected Program button to make the change effective on the registration page. If you do not specify any selected programs, all the programs in the Available Programs list will show up in the dropdown list on the registration page.
After clicking the Update Selected Program button, the Program Filter and Academic Program List will be automatically filled in or updated.
Note 1: if the Selected Programs list is empty but you click the Update Selected Programs button, you may get an error message “Attempt to de-reference a null object’.
Note 2: As mentioned in the Audience and Location section, the value in the School field will affect the Available programs listed. For example, if the School value is School of Law, then only programs in the law school will show up in the Available Program list.
Program Filter: List of the Selected Programs that are in the format of TEXT version. No need to fill in by the user.
Academic Program List: List of selected Academic Programs.
Academic Program List Selected: List of the Selected Programs. No need to fill in.
Event Description: The description that will display on the event registration page. You can insert pictures in the description.
Event Short Listing Description: The description that will display on the event calendar when the cursor is on the event tile. The Event Short Listing Description will also display on the concise list of the events.
Event Footer: The description that will display as a footer in the event registration page. It usually contains the event process, agenda, and contact information. The event footer will also appear on the event registration confirmation page.
Event is Full Display Text: The description that will display when the event cannot be registered. The reasons can be that the capacity has been reached, the Active Status of the related event instance is not Active, or the deadline of registration has been passed
Note: The deadline of the registration can be set by the field Close Event Days Before in the Options section (explained above). Also, the system does not allow same-day appointment.
This section is very useful if you want to ask additional questions on the registration page. The question can be a pick-list or an open-ended question. You can add up to 5 additional questions.
Add Info Question Type: The type of the additional question. The field has the following picklist values:
- Pick-list: The registrant will answer the question by choosing an option from the picklist.
- Pick-list required: Works as Pick-list but the response is required to submit a registration.
- Text Area: The registrant will provide an open-ended answer in a text area.
- Text Area required: Works as Text Area but the response is required to submit a registration.
- Text Box: The registrant will provide an open-ended answer in a text box.
- Text box required: Works as Text Box but the response is required to submit a registration.
Note: Both the Text Area and Text Box accept an answer that is no more than 1000 characters. The difference between Text Area and Text Box is the size of the area that the registrant can enter the response to. By using Text Area, the registrant will have a larger space to enter a response, provide a response in the format of multiple lines/paragraphs, and can expand the space of text area. While by using Text Box, the registrant will be given a text box.
Add Info Question Text: The text of the question.
Add Info Question Pick List: The picklist options that you provide the registrant to choose. This field MUST and ONLY be used if you choose Pick-List or Picklist required as the question type.
Note: The additional questions will be displayed under the Additional Information section on the registration page. Please see the screenshot below to better understand how the fields flow to the registration page and see the difference between Text Area and Text Box.
Event Appointment Title: The title (heading) that appears on the appointment (if any) scheduling page. The event appointment will be explained more in the Summit Event Appointments object
Event Appointment Description: The description that appears on the appointment scheduling page.
Event Submit Title: The title (heading) that appears on the registration submit page.
Event Submit Description: The description that appears on the registration submit page.
Note: The registrant will not see the Submit page if the event does not include appointments (will be explained in the Summit Event Appointments object)
The confirmation is usually the final step of the event registration process and the registration confirmation page is the last page that the registrant will see for the whole process.
Event Confirmation Title: The title (heading) that appears on the registration confirmation page.
Event Confirmation Description: The description that appears on the registration confirmation page.
Event Cancel Review Title: The title (heading) that appears on the event cancellation review page.
Event Cancel Review Description: The description that appears on the cancellation review page.
Event Cancelled Notification Text: The description to tell the registrant that the event is canceled.
NOTE: The event cancellation page can be viewed in the event registration page. You can click the hyperlink of the Event Registration Cancel Link field.
NOTE: You may notice that there are 2 fields Created By and Last Modified By in the Cancel Review page section. Those 2 fields actually belong to the whole event record.
- The Created By field shows the user who created the event and the date and time that the event was first created.
- The Last Modified By field shows the user who last modified the event and the date and time.
They are the standard Salesforce fields that require no user input. They will be filled in and updated automatically by the system.
This five fields in this section are for adding an analytic tracking script to the corresponding event pages. They are used for advanced users only.
Tracking Event Registration: Analytic tracking script on the event registration page.
Tracking Options Registration: Analytic tracking script on the event options registration page.
Tracking Submit Registration: Analytic tracking script on the event submission page.
Tracking Confirmation Registration: Analytic tracking script on the event confirmation page.
Tracking Cancel Registration: Analytic tracking script on the event cancel page.
Click the Save button to save the record or click Save & New to save the record and create a new event. Once you click either of the buttons, you will exit the Exit page/mode of the event and enter to the View mode. In the View mode, you can still edit the record by clicking the Edit button to re-enter the Edit page or double-clicking the field value of a certain field to edit that field. If you click Cancel, the new data that you put in will not be saved.
Now you have created an event. That is a parent event that may contain more than one event occurrences. Therefore, you will also need to create event instances (will be explained in the Summit Event Instances object) to allow the user to register. Only creating an event without an event instance will not create a registration page to allow the prospective participants to register. You can also add Event Appointments, Event Emails and Event Hosts to a parent event. Those will be explained in each of the objects respectively.
On the Summit Events view page, you will also find there are sections that allow you to view the information on other objects related to the parent event and navigate to the objects.
- You can view the related information of other objects at the top of the Event page. Just simply move your cursor to the name of the object and the information will be displayed. If you click the object name, it will direct you to the object page.
- On the right of the Summit Events view page you will also see components that display Summit Event Instances, Summit Event Appointment Types, Summit Events Registrations and Summit Event Emails.

- Setting Up Summit Events After Installing Package
- Steps To Do Before You Start Using Summit Events
- Setup Contact Matching
- Setup Lead Matching
- Create an Event
- Create an Event Instance
- View and Edit Event Registration
- Create Event Appointment Types and Manage Event Appointments
- Create an Event Host
- Create an Event Email