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jonnyelliot83 edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

User Stories

.org Customer

  • As a strategic leader (role TBC) I want visibility of our progress towards achieving our chosen impact goals

  • As a program manager, I want to be able to enter our sustainable development goals into Salesforce so I can make our goals visible to our users

  • As a nonprofit I want to be able to map the indicators in our Theory of Change to the Global Goals to demonstrate the credibility of our work to key stakeholders e.g. current and potential funders.

  • As a nonprofit I want to be able to choose when I elect for our progress against the GG targets to be shared / made public.

  • As a nonprofit I want to be able to benchmark the contribution that my organisation is making to the GGs alongside other organisations operating in my space.

  • As a nonprofit I want to be able to find other types of organisations that are focused on the same indicators in order to identify opportunities for collaboration and economies of scale.

  • As a non-profit organization I would like to easily report on my mission by publishing an external webpage which links my mission towards the SDGs, so that we can report to our stakeholders on the progression we make towards our mission.

  • As a nonprofit I would like to store my mission results inside Salesforce so that I can easily report on progress towards our mission.

.org Leadership

  • As a ( leader, I want to see which Sustainable Development Goals are being measured by our customers so I can assess the impact Salesforce's customers are having

  • ... so that we can communicate the collective impact of our community to our customers and supporters

  • ... so that I can use the insights to drive our strategic partnerships e.g. with the UN

  • As Marc Benioff I want to be able to see the contribution of .com AND .org customers so that I can understand the net contribution that our entire customer base is making to solving the world's major challenges.

  • As a member of customer success, I want to be able to see which SDG our High Touch .org customers are tracking so that i can feed this in to our quarterly strategic reviews

The UN Director General

  • Understand the current progress that civil society is making towards the global goal targets so that I can discern which impact areas need investment or do not need further investment

  • Understand which GGs the sector is working towards so that I can better target investment within global goal areas

  • See a live dashboard of progress against targets so that I can make timely decisions aligned to key planning moments (e.g. grant cycles, Davos)

  • Compare progress against targets by country vs. the needs of those countries so that I can Target country-level investment strategy for over-subscribed / under-subsribed areas

  • See YoY change so that I can isolate anomalies for further research

As a Corporate via Philanthropy Cloud

  • As a philanthropy program manager, I want to be able to log which SDG we are tracking in a visible way so that I can track our progress towards our goals

  • As an employee of an organisation that is tracking SDGs I want to be able to see how our company is making a difference

  • As a CSR program manager I want to be able to choose the nonprofits that our employees will engage with by impact area / thematic area of interest

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