NPSP-Data-Importer Documentation Focus Group
Help the review and revise the HTML documentation to better communicate to the right audience with the right content.
Note: This project is, in actuality, a focus group that will be working outside of the sprint! The documentation and work production will be stored outside this repo.
Want to work with us? If you know the NPSP Data Importer, or want to learn more about how it works (along with importing data) please reach out to Melissa Barber at [email protected] who is heading up the focus group.
- Support the .Org team to identify and evaluate which pages should be deleted and which should be revised.
- Plug gaps in documentation to improve the understanding of all the high level components.
- Explain the difference between ETL tools, NPSP tools and NPSP objects at a high level
Admins and .Org Partners
Sarah Amin, TJ Warfield, Ryan Berens
Help get the focus group started!
Again, please email Melissa Barber at [email protected] or find on the Power of Us Hub!
Grow the focus group and engage the community in crafting the best documentation