Releases: SDAMcIntyre/Expt-Touch-Comm-Kinect
Used for data collection on 8th December 2021. Improved trigger, it now turns off when aborting the script. Also, trigger signal turns on after camera and off before camera (but still can't see the LED turn on in videos, but at least can see the LED turn off).
Used for data collection on 7th December 2021. Trigger working a bit better, but still not perfect. It is sometimes stuck on 5V after pressing ESC to cancel the script. But it does go down to 0V if allowed to finish the trial. Now gives the correct number of pulses.
Used for data collection on 6th December 2021, ST08, trigger does not work perfectly anymore, it stays on 5V instead of 0V, pulses before the stimulus work, but not the stimulus period.
Code used for the recordings starting from the 2021-10-21
MNG experiment - 2021-10, second upgrade This version has been used for the recordings starting from 2021-10-21. . Add trigger automation . videos have more meaningful names
Code used for the recordings 2021-10-19 and 2021-10-20.
Same as v1.0 but:
. Include an automatic trigger for the Kinect.
. Refactor of the code architecture
Used for data collection on 2021-03-25 and 2021-04-06 on Dorota's laptop. No usable Kinect data recorded.