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Particle Data Structures

MatthewChristoff edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 8 revisions

The following are descriptions of the current implementations of the ParticleStructure interface. Note that all structures allocate at least 5% extra space to reduce the number of structure re-allocations. However, this percentage can be changed using each structure's associated Input constructor.

Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)

Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) uses the compressed sparse row format to store particle data.


  • policy: Kokkos::TeamPolicy where policy.team_size() is used to determine the thread team size for parallel_for loops
  • num_elements: int number of mesh elements
  • num_particles: int total initial number of particles
  • particles_per_element: Kokkos::View<int> where particles_per_element(i) is the initial number of particles in element i
  • element_gids: Kokkos::View<long int> where element_gids(i) is the global id of element i
  • new_particle_elements: [OPTIONAL] Kokkos::View<int> where new_particle_elements(i) is the index of the element to associate particle i in new_particle_info
  • new_particle_info: [OPTIONAL] a pumipic::ParticleStructure::MTVs (MemberTypeViews) containing data for new particles


CSR's initial parameters can be set directly through the use of its constructor.

namespace ps = particle_structs;
using T0 = int;
using T1 = double[3];
using Types = ps::MemberTypes<T0, T1>;
using ExeSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using MemSpace = ExeSpace::memory_space;
typedef ps::ParticleStructure<Types, MemSpace> PS;
using pumipic::lid_t;
using PS::kkLidView;
using PS::kkGidView;
using PS::MTVs;

// setup for ParticleStructure
lid_t team_size = 4;
lid_t num_elems = 5;
lid_t num_ptcls = 20;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExeSpace> policy(num_elems, team_size);
kkLidView particles_per_element("particles_per_element", num_elems);
kkGidView element_gids("element_gids", num_elems);
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int& i) {
    particles_per_element(i) = 4; // 4 particles per element
    element_gids(i) = i; // set global ids

// initialize ParticleStructure (CSR) (20 particles)
PS* csr = new ps::CSR<Types, MemSpace>(policy, num_elems, num_ptcls, element_gids, particles_per_element);

CSR's initial parameters can also be set indirectly through the use of a separate CSR_Input class. This allows for easy copying of parameters to multiple CSR structures and editing of extra padding to be allocated.

[Not currently implemented]

Sell-C-Sigma (SCS)

Sell-C-Sigma (SCS) uses a rotated and sorted CSR-format structure to store particle data.


  • policy: Kokkos::TeamPolicy where policy.team_size() is used to determine the maximum chunk size
  • sigma: int variable used to determine amount of sorting (1 is NO SORTING, INT_MAX is FULL SORTING)
  • vertical_size: int variable used to split chunks into smaller groups for multiple thread teams per chunk
  • num_elements: int number of mesh elements
  • num_particles: int total initial number of particles
  • particles_per_element: Kokkos::View<int> where particles_per_element(i) is the initial number of particles in element i
  • element_gids: Kokkos::View<long int> where element_gids(i) is the global id of element i
  • new_particle_elements: [OPTIONAL] Kokkos::View<int> where new_particle_elements(i) is the index of the element to associate particle i in new_particle_info
  • new_particle_info: [OPTIONAL] a pumipic::ParticleStructure::MTVs (MemberTypeViews) containing data for new particles


SCS's initial parameters can be set directly through the use of its constructor.

namespace ps = particle_structs;
using T0 = int;
using T1 = double[3];
using Types = ps::MemberTypes<T0, T1>;
using ExeSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using MemSpace = ExeSpace::memory_space;
typedef ps::ParticleStructure<Types, MemSpace> PS;
using pumipic::lid_t;
using PS::kkLidView;
using PS::kkGidView;
using PS::MTVs;

// setup for ParticleStructure
lid_t sigma = 1; // No sorting
//lid_t sigma = INT_MAX; // Full sorting
lid_t V = 8; // vertical slice size
lid_t max_chunk_size = 4;
lid_t num_elems = 5;
lid_t num_ptcls = 20;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExeSpace> policy(num_elems, max_chunk_size);
kkLidView particles_per_element("particles_per_element", num_elems);
kkGidView element_gids("element_gids", num_elems);
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int& i) {
    particles_per_element(i) = 4; // 4 particles per element
    element_gids(i) = i; // set global ids

// initialize ParticleStructure (SCS) (20 particles)
PS* scs = new ps::SellCSigma<Types, MemSpace>(policy, sigma, V, num_elems, num_ptcls, element_gids, particles_per_element);

SCS's initial parameters can also be set indirectly through the use of a separate SCS_Input class. This allows for easy copying of parameters to multiple SCS structures and editing of extra padding to be allocated. See scs_input.hpp for full list of editable variables.

namespace ps = particle_structs;
using T0 = int;
using T1 = double[3];
using Types = ps::MemberTypes<T0, T1>;
using ExeSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using MemSpace = ExeSpace::memory_space;
typedef ps::ParticleStructure<Types, MemSpace> PS;
using pumipic::lid_t;
using PS::kkLidView;
using PS::kkGidView;
using PS::MTVs;

// setup for ParticleStructure
lid_t sigma = 1; // No sorting
//lid_t sigma = INT_MAX; // Full sorting
lid_t V = 8; // vertical slice size
lid_t max_chunk_size = 4;
lid_t num_elems = 5;
lid_t num_ptcls = 20;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExeSpace> policy(num_elems, max_chunk_size);
kkLidView particles_per_element("particles_per_element", num_elems);
kkGidView element_gids("element_gids", num_elems);
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int& i) {
    particles_per_element(i) = 4; // 4 particles per element
    element_gids(i) = i; // set global ids

// initialize ParticleStructure (SCS) (20 particles)
pumipic::SCS_Input<Types> input(policy, sigma, V, num_elems, num_ptcls, element_gids, particles_per_element);
//input.extra_padding = 0.5; // set extra padding to 50% (default 5%)
PS* scs1 = new ps::SellCSigma<Types, MemSpace>(input);
PS* scs2 = new ps::SellCSigma<Types, MemSpace>(input);

CabanaM (CabM)

CabanaM (CabM) uses a Cabana AoSoA to store particle data, and uses a CSR-style offset array to denote which SoAs are allocated for which mesh element.


  • policy: Kokkos::TeamPolicy
  • num_elements: int number of mesh elements
  • num_particles: int total initial number of particles
  • particles_per_element: Kokkos::View<int> where particles_per_element(i) is the initial number of particles in element i
  • element_gids: Kokkos::View<long int> where element_gids(i) is the global id of element i
  • new_particle_elements: [OPTIONAL] Kokkos::View<int> where new_particle_elements(i) is the index of the element to associate particle i in new_particle_info
  • new_particle_info: [OPTIONAL] a pumipic::ParticleStructure::MTVs (MemberTypeViews) containing data for new particles


CabM's initial parameters can be set directly through the use of its constructor.

namespace ps = particle_structs;
using T0 = int;
using T1 = double[3];
using Types = ps::MemberTypes<T0, T1>;
using ExeSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using MemSpace = ExeSpace::memory_space;
typedef ps::ParticleStructure<Types, MemSpace> PS;
using pumipic::lid_t;
using PS::kkLidView;
using PS::kkGidView;
using PS::MTVs;

// setup for ParticleStructure
lid_t num_elems = 5;
lid_t num_ptcls = 20;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExeSpace> policy(num_elems, 4); // team_size is arbitrary
kkLidView particles_per_element("particles_per_element", num_elems);
kkGidView element_gids("element_gids", num_elems);
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int& i) {
    particles_per_element(i) = 4; // 4 particles per element
    element_gids(i) = i; // set global ids

// initialize ParticleStructure (CSR) (20 particles)
PS* cabm = new ps::CabM<Types, MemSpace>(policy, num_elems, num_ptcls, element_gids, particles_per_element);

CabM's initial parameters can also be set indirectly through the use of a separate CabM_Input class. This allows for easy copying of parameters to multiple CabM structures and editing of extra padding to be allocated. See cabm_input.hpp for full list of editable variables.

namespace ps = particle_structs;
using T0 = int;
using T1 = double[3];
using Types = ps::MemberTypes<T0, T1>;
using ExeSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using MemSpace = ExeSpace::memory_space;
typedef ps::ParticleStructure<Types, MemSpace> PS;
using pumipic::lid_t;
using PS::kkLidView;
using PS::kkGidView;
using PS::MTVs;

// setup for ParticleStructure
lid_t num_elems = 5;
lid_t num_ptcls = 20;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExeSpace> policy(num_elems, 4); // team_size is arbitrary
kkLidView particles_per_element("particles_per_element", num_elems);
kkGidView element_gids("element_gids", num_elems);
  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int& i) {
    particles_per_element(i) = 4; // 4 particles per element
    element_gids(i) = i; // set global ids

// initialize ParticleStructure (CabM) (20 particles)
pumipic::CabM_Input<Types> input(policy, num_elems, num_ptcls, element_gids, particles_per_element);
//input.extra_padding = 0.5; // set extra padding to 50% (default 5%)
PS* cabm1 = new ps::CabM<Types, MemSpace>(input);
PS* cabm2 = new ps::CabM<Types, MemSpace>(input);