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api net
Ayhan Rashidov edited this page Oct 8, 2021
10 revisions
Represents the network namespace with its fields.
- SAP Help$.net.html
- Module
- Sample usage:
let net = $.net;
// Create a mail Object
let mail = new net.Mail({
sender: {address: "[email protected]"},
to: [{ name: "John Doe", address: "[email protected]"}, {name: "Jane Doe", address: "[email protected]"}],
cc: [{address: "[email protected]"}, {address: "[email protected]"}],
bcc: [{ name: "Jonnie Doe", address: "[email protected]"}],
subject: "subject",
subjectEncoding: "UTF-8",
parts: [ new net.Mail.Part({
type: net.Mail.Part.TYPE_TEXT,
text: "The body of the mail.",
contentType: "text/plain",
encoding: "UTF-8",
// Set mail server configuration.
let mailConfig = {
"mail.user": "<your-user>",
"mail.password": "<your-password>",
"mail.transport.protocol": "smtps",
"": "<your-mail-provider-host>",
"mail.smtps.port": "465",
"mail.smtps.auth": "true"
let smtp = new net.SMTPConnection(mailConfig);
// Send the mail Object with SMPT
// Send the mail Object from the built-in mail send method.
let returnValue = mail.send(mailConfig);
- Coverage
Classes | Description | Status |
Class for constructing and sending multipart emails. | ✅ | |
SMTPConnection | Class for sending $.net.Mail objects via SMTP connection. | ✅ |
Destination | Contains metadata, for example, host name and port number. | ✅ |
Members | Description | Status |
http | Provides access to the http API. | ✅ |
Namespaces -> htttp
HTTP constants for methods
Members | Type | Default | Description | Status |
OPTIONS | number | 0 | HTTP Method OPTIONS. | ✅ |
GET | number | 1 | HTTP Method GET. | ✅ |
HEAD | number | 2 | HTTP Method HEAD. | ✅ |
POST | number | 3 | HTTP Method POST. | ✅ |
PUT | number | 4 | HTTP Method PUT. | ✅ |
DEL | number | 5 | HTTP Method DEL. | ✅ |
TRACE | number | 6 | HTTP Method TRACE. | ✅ |
CONNECT | number | 7 | HTTP Method CONNECT. | ✅ |
PATCH | number | 8 | HTTP Method PATCH. | ✅ |
- HTTP constants for status codes
Members | Type | Default | Status |
CONTINUE | number | 100 | ✅ |
SWITCH_PROTOCOL | number | 101 | ✅ |
OK | number | 200 | ✅ |
CREATED | number | 201 | ✅ |
ACCEPTED | number | 202 | ✅ |
NON_AUTHORITATIVE | number | 203 | ✅ |
NO_CONTENT | number | 204 | ✅ |
RESET_CONTENT | number | 205 | ✅ |
PARTIAL_CONTENT | number | 206 | ✅ |
MULTIPLE_CHOICES | number | 300 | ✅ |
MOVED_PERMANENTLY | number | 301 | ✅ |
FOUND | number | 302 | ✅ |
SEE_OTHER | number | 303 | ✅ |
NOT_MODIFIED | number | 304 | ✅ |
USE_PROXY | number | 305 | ✅ |
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT | number | 307 | ✅ |
BAD_REQUEST | number | 400 | ✅ |
UNAUTHORIZED | number | 401 | ✅ |
PAYMENT_REQUIRED | number | 402 | ✅ |
FORBIDDEN | number | 403 | ✅ |
NOT_FOUND | number | 404 | ✅ |
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | number | 405 | ✅ |
NOT_ACCEPTABLE | number | 406 | ✅ |
PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED | number | 407 | ✅ |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT | number | 408 | ✅ |
CONFLICT | number | 409 | ✅ |
GONE | number | 410 | ✅ |
LENGTH_REQUIRED | number | 411 | ✅ |
PRECONDITION_FAILED | number | 412 | ✅ |
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE | number | 413 | ✅ |
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG | number | 414 | ✅ |
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | number | 415 | ✅ |
EXPECTATION_FAILED | number | 417 | ✅ |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | number | 500 | ✅ |
NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED | number | 501 | ✅ |
BAD_GATEWAY | number | 502 | ✅ |
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | number | 503 | ✅ |
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | number | 504 | ✅ |
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | number | 505 | ✅ |
- Issues
- Unit Tests
- Integration Tests ❌
✅ - Feature implemented and working as supposed.
❌ - Feature not implemented yet.