I. Necessary apt packages (linux)
1. libopenmp-dev (For multithreading)
2. libssl-dev (For Crypto functions)
II. Compilation flags
g++ file.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp
III. Set 'n' number of threads
IV. Steps
1. Create a folder data in working directory (codes)
2. Generate random 2^K hashes
a. g++ msg_generator.cpp
b. ./a.out
2. Build Diamond structure
a. g++ diamond_tree.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp
b. ./a.out
3. Herd a message
a. Place message in the msg variable in the herd_message.cpp file
b. g++ herd_message.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp
c. ./a.out