KHOA S-100 Viewer 1.0.18 is now available.
KHOA S-100 Viewer is a GIS software that complies with the IHO S-100 standard.
This project was released as open source project in December 2021. (OpenS100)
- S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart
- S-102 Bathymetric Surface
- S-111 Surface Currents
- S-122 Marine Protected Areas
- S-123 Marine Radio Services
- S-124 Navigational Warnings
- S-127 Marine Traffic Management
KHOA S-100 Viewer will release under the LGPLv3.
If you have a problem with KHOA S-100 Viewer, add new issue in a [Issues] tab.
The version of pre-installed S-101 PC is 1.1.1.
But, does not support the latest changes in PC and drawing commands
- Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA)
- Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean (KRISO)
- THE PROST Inc. (~2021)
- BLUEMAP Inc. (2022~)