A mix of Wheel of Fortune (TV Show) and Ready Player one (Movie)
This browser-based word guessing game was build using JavaScript and OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) to select a random, hidden phrase, which a player tries to guess, by clicking letters on an onscreen keyboard or using the physical keyboard
In this project, I created a browser-based, word guessing game: "Phrase Hunter." I used JavaScript and OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) to select a random, hidden phrase, which a player tries to guess, by clicking letters on an onscreen keyboard or phyical keyboard.
Each time the player guesses a letter, the program compares the letter the player has chosen with the random phrase. If the letter is in the phrase, the gameboard displays the chosen letters on the screen.
The player continues to select letters until they guess the phrase and win, or make five incorrect guesses and lose.
The player can guess a letter only once. After they’ve guessed a letter, it will disable that letter on the onscreen keyboard.
A retro video and music is added to the back ground to set the mood for a great experience and entertainment
1.start overlay *start overlay back ground image from color *start overlay button color *start overlay H2 color
2.In Game
- In game back ground video
- On screen Keyboread color
- On screen red border (when wrong)
- On screen green border (when right)
- Hearts color to red from blue
3.Lose Overlay
- Lose overlay back ground image
4.Win OverLay
- Win overlay back ground image