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Current version = 3.0

This is the RRC encoder and decoder protocol for data broadcasting. Each package includes the following information:

  1. Data: the actual information to be sent.
  2. Headers: to identify the type of data.
  3. Checksum: a simple check of corruption.
  4. Timestamp: to indicate the time of data collection.

The decoder has one dependency which is pyserial. You can install with pip install pyserial


The data is all collected as double precision floats which are 64-bit wide. Though, the protocol aims on reduceing the package size, that's why data is converted into signed integers with only the required decimal points needed, this saves space and time with no real compromises.


The GPS data consists of longitude and latitude in the following ranges:

Data Minimum Maximum Integer Magnitude Signed bit-width
LONG -180.0000 180.0000 1,800,000 22 bit
LAT -90.0000 90.0000 900,000 21 bit


The accelerometer collects measurements on 3 axis in G's.

Data Minimum Maximum Integer Magnitude Signed bit-width
X -40.00 40.00 4,000 13 bit
Y -40.00 40.00 4,000 13 bit
Z -40.00 40.00 4,000 13 bit


The barometer collects data for pressure in mbar and temperature in celcius.

Data Minimum Maximum Integer Magnitude Signed bit-width
PRES 10.00 1200.00 120,000 18 bit
TEMP -40.00 85.00 8,500 15 bit

Scaling Magnitudes

Each data type will be scaled with a constant magnitude to convert into an integer.

Data Magnitude
LONG 10,000
LAT 10,000
X 100
Y 100
Z 100
PRES 100
TEMP 100


8 headers are needed.

Description Header name Hex Bin
GPS Longitude RRC_HEAD_GPS_LONG 0x00 0b000
GPS Latitude RRC_HEAD_GPS_LAT 0x01 0b001
Accelerometer X-axis RRC_HEAD_ACC_X 0x02 0b010
Accelerometer Y-axis RRC_HEAD_ACC_Y 0x03 0b011
Accelerometer Z-axis RRC_HEAD_ACC_Z 0x04 0b100
Barometer Pressure RRC_HEAD_PRES 0x05 0b101
Barometer Temperature RRC_HEAD_TEMP 0x06 0b110
Package Terminating RRC_HEAD_T_END 0x07 0b111


Each piece of data will consist of 24 bits, 4 bits of which will be copied for checksum

xxxx xxxD Bxxx xxxG Cxxx xxxF

D = LSB of highest byte
B = MSB of middle byte
G = LSB of middle byte
C = MSB of lowest byte
F = LSB of lowest byte


The system is expected to be running for 2 hours at a 5Hz sampling and trasmission rate (STR). With the timestamp as an integer this gives a maximum stamp of 36000 readings which is 16-bit wide.


The overall protocol will be as the following:

  • The largest piece of data is 22-bit wide => 24 bits will be used to pad to a whole byte.
  • Headers will use 3 bits of each packet, with a terminating header for the last one in a package.
  • Checksum will use 5 bits and will be inserted in the first packet.
  • Timestamp will use 20 bits giving more time of operation and/or higher STR.
Byte Content
byte 0 HHHC CCCC
byte 1 HHHD DDDD
byte 2 HHHD DDDD
byte 3 HHHD DDDD
byte 4 HHHD DDDD
byte 5 HHH0 DDDD
byte 6 HHHT TTTT
byte 7 HHHT TTTT
byte 8 HHHT TTTT
byte 9 111T TTTT

H = Header, C = Checksum, D = Data, T = Timestamp


RRC encoder and decoder modules for data broadcasting






Contributors 4
