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League of Legends Exploratory Data Analysis

Creator: Ryan Hung


Question summary:

This exploratory data analysis employs Oracle Elixir's dataset consisting of player and team data from the 2022 League of Legends competitive season.

The dragon is one of the most pivotal objectives in the game as it provides powerful buffs to the team that claims its souls. Thus, having solid macro and map control to ensure dragon kills is crucial for high level competitive play, where teams can use any sliver of advantage they can get.

This exploratory data analysis focuses on how the value of dragons have shifted by split - is there a variation in dragons killed in different splits? It will also focus on analyzing the overall impact dragons have in a competitive match.

Data summary:

The dataset consists of 149232 rows and 123 columns. The first 10 rows consists of player rows - 5 players from each team. The 11th and 12th columns consists of team rows. Thus, the first 12 rows make up the data for a match. The same pattern follows for the remaining rows.

Relevant columns that we address in our processing and analysis include:

  1. split - The season split the match was played in
  2. side - The side of map assigned to a team
  3. gamelength - Length of game in minutes
  4. result - The result of the match for a team
  5. firstdragon - Whether or not a team secured the first dragon kill
  6. dragons - The total number of dragons killed
  7. infernals, mountains, clouds, chemtechs, hextechs, elders - The total number of dragons of each type killed
  8. date - The date that the match was played on
  9. position - The lane position of a player or simply team for team rows
  10. teamname - The name of the team

Cleaning and EDA:

Data cleaning:

  1. First, our analysis focuses on team performance with respect to dragons so we filtered out all rows that consisted of player data
    • For this, we queried all rows that had the value "team" in the position column - this is based on the data generating process that produced this dataset
  2. gamelength was originally represented as seconds but League of Legends game duration is measured in minutes by convention so we scaled this feature
  3. date was converted into a pd.Timestamp object
  4. Many columns that were specific to player row data were removed because we could gain zero information from these columns as we are dealing with team data
    • For this, we went through each column and dropped all columns that were completely missing - again, based on data generating process creating variables that were specific only to players
  5. Many columns such as result and firstdragon, to name a few, could be represented as Boolean types

Performing the data cleaning steps above helped streamline our analyses by shrinking our dataframe to consist only of relevant information needed. Here is the head of the cleaned dataframe:

gameid datacompleteness url league year split playoffs date game patch side teamname teamid ban1 ban2 ban3 ban4 ban5 gamelength result kills deaths assists teamkills teamdeaths doublekills triplekills quadrakills pentakills firstblood team kpm ckpm firstdragon dragons opp_dragons elementaldrakes opp_elementaldrakes infernals mountains clouds oceans chemtechs hextechs dragons (type unknown) elders opp_elders firstherald heralds opp_heralds firstbaron barons opp_barons firsttower towers opp_towers firstmidtower firsttothreetowers turretplates opp_turretplates inhibitors opp_inhibitors damagetochampions dpm damagetakenperminute damagemitigatedperminute wardsplaced wpm wardskilled wcpm controlwardsbought visionscore vspm totalgold earnedgold earned gpm goldspent gspd minionkills monsterkills monsterkillsownjungle monsterkillsenemyjungle cspm goldat10 xpat10 csat10 opp_goldat10 opp_xpat10 opp_csat10 golddiffat10 xpdiffat10 csdiffat10 killsat10 assistsat10 deathsat10 opp_killsat10 opp_assistsat10 opp_deathsat10 goldat15 xpat15 csat15 opp_goldat15 opp_xpat15 opp_csat15 golddiffat15 xpdiffat15 csdiffat15 killsat15 assistsat15 deathsat15 opp_killsat15 opp_assistsat15 opp_deathsat15
ESPORTSTMNT01_2690210 complete nan LCK CL 2022 Spring False 2022-01-10 07:44:08 1 12.01 Blue Fredit BRION Challengers oe:team:68911b3329146587617ab2973106e23 Karma Caitlyn Syndra Thresh Lulu 28.55 False 9 19 19 9 19 0 0 0 0 True 0.3152 0.9807 False 1 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 nan 0 0 True 2 0 False 0 0 True 3 6 True True 5 0 0 1 56560 1981.09 3537.2 2364.73 74 2.5919 51 1.7863 33 197 6.9002 47070 28222 988.511 44570 -0.0283123 680 160 nan nan 29.4221 16218 18213 322 14695 18076 330 1523 137 -8 3 5 0 0 0 3 24806 28001 487 24699 29618 510 107 -1617 -23 5 10 6 6 18 5
ESPORTSTMNT01_2690210 complete nan LCK CL 2022 Spring False 2022-01-10 07:44:08 1 12.01 Red Nongshim RedForce Challengers oe:team:d2dc3681437e2beb2bb4742477108ff Lee Sin Twisted Fate Zoe Nautilus Rell 28.55 True 19 9 62 19 9 6 0 0 0 False 0.6655 0.9807 True 3 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 nan 0 0 False 0 2 False 0 0 False 6 3 False False 0 5 1 0 79912 2799.02 3009.67 2872.33 93 3.2574 51 1.7863 45 205 7.1804 52617 33769 1182.8 45850 0.0283123 792 184 nan nan 34.1856 14695 18076 330 16218 18213 322 -1523 -137 8 0 0 3 3 5 0 24699 29618 510 24806 28001 487 -107 1617 23 6 18 5 5 10 6
ESPORTSTMNT01_2690219 complete nan LCK CL 2022 Spring False 2022-01-10 08:38:24 1 12.01 Blue T1 Challengers oe:team:6dcacec00a6ba7576c5ab7f30c995cd Sona Jarvan IV Caitlyn Lulu Lucian 35.2333 False 3 16 7 3 16 0 0 0 0 False 0.0851 0.5393 False 1 4 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 nan 0 0 True 1 1 False 0 2 False 3 11 False False 2 3 0 2 59579 1690.98 2984.02 3109.61 119 3.3775 55 1.561 47 277 7.8619 57629 34688 984.522 53945 -0.207137 994 215 nan nan 34.3141 14939 17462 317 16558 19048 344 -1619 -1586 -27 1 1 3 3 3 1 23522 28848 533 25285 29754 555 -1763 -906 -22 1 1 3 3 3 1
ESPORTSTMNT01_2690219 complete nan LCK CL 2022 Spring False 2022-01-10 08:38:24 1 12.01 Red Liiv SANDBOX Challengers oe:team:5380cdbc2ad2b8082624f48f99f6672 LeBlanc Yuumi Twisted Fate Karma Alistar 35.2333 True 16 3 39 16 3 1 0 0 0 True 0.4541 0.5393 True 4 1 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 nan 0 0 False 1 1 True 2 0 True 11 3 True True 3 2 2 0 74855 2124.55 2745.72 2868.42 129 3.6613 70 1.9868 65 346 9.8202 71004 48063 1364.13 66410 0.207137 1013 244 nan nan 35.6764 16558 19048 344 14939 17462 317 1619 1586 27 3 3 1 1 1 3 25285 29754 555 23522 28848 533 1763 906 22 3 3 1 1 1 3
8401-8401_game_1 partial LPL 2022 Spring False 2022-01-10 09:24:26 1 12.01 Blue Oh My God oe:team:f4c4528c6981e104a11ea7548630c23 Renekton Lee Sin Caitlyn Jayce Camille 22.75 True 13 6 35 13 6 nan nan nan nan False 0.5714 0.8352 False 2 1 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan 2 nan nan False nan nan False 1 0 False 8 3 False False nan nan 1 0 40086 1762.02 2263.25 nan 79 3.4725 33 1.4505 32 162 7.1209 45468 30167 1326.02 36908 -0.00586225 nan 172 98 18 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan

Univariate Analysis:

To better understand the importance of the dragon objective, we can graph the number of dragons killed by all teams in 2022. It seems that teams generally kill 2 dragons the most frequently.

<iframe src="assets/fig_univariate_1.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Bivariate Analysis:

To answer our main question, let's see how the value of dragons has shifted over time. Specifically, how has the mean number of dragons killed varied by split over the 2022 competitive season? In the bar plot below, we can see that the Fall split had the lowest mean number of dragons killed by 1.827.

<iframe src="assets/fig_bivariate_1.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Interesting Aggregates:

We wanted to see if getting the first dragon increased a team's chance of winning. The columns False and True denote whether or not a team has killed the first dragon. The index result denote whether or not a team has won the game. The pivot table shown below is actually a concatenation of two pivot table, one for each team side. The proportions inside shown the conditional probability P(Winning | First Dragon).

result False True team
False 0.52774 0.377525 blue
True 0.47226 0.622475 blue
False 0.596116 0.454819 red
True 0.403884 0.545181 red

The trend in this table is that killing first dragon always increases the chances of winning for both team colors - and it also means that not killing the first dragon increases the chances of losing for both team colors. To better visualize this, we provide a bar plot.

<iframe src="assets/aggregate.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Assessment of Missingness:

NMAR Analysis:

We can argue that teamname is NMAR. This is because the missingness of teamname is dependent on the value of teamname itself. The likely reason for this missingness can be attributed to the fact that perhaps new teams simply do not have an established name, and so the missingness of their name depends on them not having a name. To make teamname MAR, we can perhaps add a new column of data called teamage which shows how long a team has been together. Thus, if teamname is missing, the distribution of teamage would be less than that of teamage if teamname exists.

Missingness Dependency:

Dependent testing

The elder dragon only spawns after one team has killed all four elemental dragons. Thus, the elder dragon typically only appears in games that are longer. Because of this assumption, we can check if elders is MAR dependent on gamelength using a permutation test.

Null: The distribution of gamelength is the same when elders is missing and when elders is not missing

Alternative: The distribution of gamelength is different when elders is missing and when elders is not missing

Test statistic: Absolute difference of group means

Significance level: 0.05

<iframe src="assets/MAR.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe> <iframe src="assets/MAR_ts.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Our p-value is 0.0 so we reject the null. Since we reject the null hypothesis that the two distributions are similar, we show statistical evidence that elder is, potentially, MAR dependent on gamelength. However, this isn't an absolute conclusion!

Not dependent testing

Now, we can perform another permutation test on elders missingness and side because we can follow the reasoning that elders is not MAR dependent on side. This is because, in our data, every pair of rows consists of a match between two teams. These two teams are separated into a blue and red side and so the distribution of side will always be 50/50 regardless of whether elders is missing. However, we can still run a permutation test to have stronger statistical evidence for this logic.

Null: The distribution of side is the same when elders is missing and when elders is not missing

Alternative: The distribution of side is different when elders is missing and when elders is not missing

Test statistic: Total variation distance

Significance level: 0.05

<iframe src="assets/NOT_MAR.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe> <iframe src="assets/NOT_MAR_TS.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Our p-value is 1.0 so we fail to reject the null. Since we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the two distributions are similar, we have statistical evidence that elder, potentially, isn't MAR dependent on side. However, this conclusion isn't absolute!

Hypothesis testing:

Answering the question:

Our specific question was: is there a variation in dragons killed in split? We can gain more insight into this question by looking at the mean number of dragons killed per split, and seeing if any variations occurred. Per our bivariate analysis above, we can see that the Fall split had the lowest mean number of dragons killed by 1.827.

<iframe src="assets/fig_bivariate_1.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Let's conduct a hypothesis test to see if the mean number of dragons killed during the Fall split was lower than the other averages due to lower chance. That is, dragons and split aren't related - and thus the importance of dragons is potentially not related to the split.

Null hypothesis: dragons and split are not related - the low average number of dragons killed during the Fall is due to random chance

Alternative hypothesis: dragons and split are related - the low average number of dragons killed during the Fall is not due to random chance

Test statistic: Average dragons killed

Significance level: 0.05

Let's go justify each individual decision we made for our hypothesis test:

  • For null hypothesis, we state that dragons and split aren't related and that the low number of dragons killed during the Fall split was random. If dragons and split are potentially unrelated, then we can assume that teams value killing dragons the same in other splits
  • For alternative hypothesis, we state that dragons and split are related. If dragons and split are potentially related, then we can assume that teams value killing dragons differently in different splits
  • For the test statistic, we use the average dragons killed. We obtain this statistc by sampling from our parent dataset under the null. Small values of this statistic will point in the direction of the alternative because we our question is phrased in such a way that we are checking for smaller quantities
  • For significance level, we chose the standard 0.05 confidence level
<iframe src="assets/hypoth.html" width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0>s</iframe>

Our p-value was 0.0, so we reject the null. Since we reject the null hypothesis that the low mean value of dragons for the Fall split was due to random chance, we show significant statistical evidence that dragons and split are potentially related. This potential connection could show that team's value dragons differently in a certain split. The variation could have underlying confounding factors such as meta shifts, game durations, buffs/nerfs, and map updates.


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