Does your new MacBook Pro Keyboard keep breaking?
Are you out of warranty?
Can you not only use external keyboards?
Add a fully functional keyboard to your touch bar!
No thinness lost, it's the perfect solution!
If you want to quit Touch Bar Keyboard, like if you bought a MacBook Pro 2015, it can be quit through the menu bar.
Note: Touch Bar Keyboard does require accessibility features to send keys. It will ask for these permissions when launched. Below is screenshots showing how to accept these permissions.
Q: How can I use this on my non-Touch Bar MacBook?
A: This link should help.
Q: How come the keys don’t repeat when you hold them down?
A: How come your keys don’t work at ALL when you hold them down?
Q: Why did you do this?
A: "I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it." - Frank A. Clark
Q: Can this be submitted to the App Store?
A: Nope. It uses private API to put a Touch Bar Item in the System Tray Touch Bar Group.
mikicon - Icon touch bar by mikicon from the Noun Project
Alexsander Akers - Private API usage
Touch Bar Keyboard is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.