This project has two parts
is elegible to parse the Quote and the corrsponding Author from the pdf, csv, text and docx extention files. The module mainly builds on the Stratagy Object
approachcreated with help of abstrctclass
IngestorInterface. Any of the files as mentioned above can be paserd via parse(path: str)
from sub-module Ingestor (QuoteEngine.Ingestor.parse(path)). The sub-module choose the appropriate module (PDFIngestor, CSVIngestor, TEXTIngetor & DOCXIngestor ) need to parse the provided file as input in parse(path)
method and return list of QuoteModel
QuoteModel objects. Each Object of the QuoteModel
belongs two attributes quote & author
Example: The example below is run from the /scr
In [4]: import QuoteEngine as Q
In [5]: path = './_data/DogQuotes/DogQuotesCSV.csv'
In [6]: objs = Q.Ingestor.parse(path)
In [7]: objs[0].quote
Out[7]: 'Chase the mailman'
In [8]: objs[0].author
Out[8]: 'Skittle'
1. [subprocess](
2. [python-docx](
System needs XpdfReader installed.
The MemeEngine is build up to work with picture, qoute and the auther of the quote. The general functionality of this module is to receive the picture, quote, and author and return picture with quote and author anchored on it.
The module also allows to crop the given picture via the parameter width
of make_meme()
Example: The example below is run from the /src
In [3]: import MemeEngine as m
In [4]: in_path = './_data/photos/dog/xander_2.jpg'
In [6]: out_path = './test_meme.jpg'
In [7]: quote = 'United we stand, divided we fall.'
In [8]: author = 'Aesop'
In [10]: m.MemeEngine(out_path).make_meme(in_path=in_path, text=quote,
...: author=author, width=400)
Out[10]: './test_meme.jpg'
Run the app from src
python3 app
Then copy the link past it on the google browser. Some free figure links are here
1. PIL: [pillow](
2. DOCX: [docx](
3. Xpdf:
For Ubuntu:
$ wget
$ sudo apt-get install ./libpoppler73_0.62.0-2ubuntu2.12_amd64.deb
$ wget
$ sudo apt-get install ./xpdf_3.04-7_amd64.deb