The repository contains information about the MCS dataset, which is used for sports analytics. It provides tools to convert motion capture data from .trc format to SMPL format. Additionally, it includes rendering capabilities and analysis functionalities.
- Remove SMPLLoader
- Add docs using MKLdocsString
- Reaplace
command to merge images (raises error when os.system is called. ) - Main installation script to install convert and other libraries
- Change delimiter for OpenCAP loader. make it compatible for linux and windows.
To download the dataset use the following links:
python3 src/ -f
python3 src/
python3 src/
├── full_data
│ ├── OpenCapData_015b7571-9f0b-4db4-a854-68e57640640d
│ │ ├── CalibrationImages
│ │ │ ├── calib_imgCam{%d}.jpg
│ │ ├── MarkerData
│ │ │ ├── BAP{%1d}.trc
│ │ ├── OpenSimData
│ │ │ ├── Kinematics
│ │ │ │ ├── {%class}{%d}.mot
│ │ │ └── Model
│ │ │ ├── Geometry
│ │ │ └── LaiArnoldModified2017_poly_withArms_weldHand_scaled.osim
│ │ ├── README.txt
│ │ ├── sessionMetadata.yaml
│ │ └── Videos
│ │ ├── Cam%d
│ │ │ └── cameraIntrinsicsExtrinsics.pickle
│ │ └── mappingCamDevice.pickle
Opencap processing: Library to process files
├── // Script for analyzing Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) scores
├── // Contains code for loading and preprocessing data
├── evaluation
│ └── // Script for checking foot sliding in animations
├── // Script for generating pickle files from data
├── HumanML3D // Convert dataset to HumanML3D Format
│ ├── // Script for converting rotations to SMPL format
├── // Contains code for measuring and logging training progress
├── // Contains code for reconstructing poses from data
├── // Contains code for rendering makerker data(.trc), smpl mesh and skeleton, camera location
├── // Script for retargeting .trc to the SMPL model
├── // Contains code for loading SMPL models
├── // Detects start stop cycle for each sample
├── // Contains unit tests for the project
└── // Contains constants and logging functions used across the project
Note:- Each python file can be called from any directory.
// All commands that should work only any system
python src/
python UCSD-OpenCap-Fitness-Dataset/src/
python src/ <subject-path> <mot-path> <save-path>
Clone repo
git clone --recursive cd UCSD-OpenCap-Fitness-Dataset
Creating environment
conda create --name bitte -f environment.yml
Pip packages
pip install polyscope opensim ffmpeg glfw
Raise an issue if you are having trouble installing any of the above packages
Renders a video of the skeleton video using polyscope
Compare <= 3 .mot files
For OpenCap
python src/ MCS_DATA/Data/fb6e8f87-a1cc-48b4-8217-4e8b160602bf/MarkerData/SQT01.trc
For Simulation data
python src/ MCS_DATA/Data/<subject-path>/OpenSimData/Dynamics/SQT01_segment_?/kinematics_activations_SQT01_segment_?_muscle_driven.mot
Plot 5 timesteps
python src/ MCS_DATA/Data/015b7571-9f0b-4db4-a854-68e57640640d/OpenSimData/Dynamics/SQT01_segment_2/kinematics_activations_SQT01_segment_2_muscle_driven.mot
- Plot series in perspective view with ground.
python src/ MCS_DATA/LIMO/FinalFinalHigh/mot_visualization/latents_subject_run_d66330dc-7884-4915-9dbb-0520932294c4/entry_19_FinalFinalHigh.mot render/bige_d66330dc-7884-4915-9dbb-0520932294c4_images.mp4
python src/ MCS_DATA/mdm_baseline/015b7571-9f0b-4db4-a854-68e57640640d/results_5_radians.mot
- Compare MoCap with any mot file
python3 python src/ <subject-path> <mot-path> <save-path> # Specific trc file
Running on a Remote Server / North Servr / Linux Containers ?
Polyscope has a lot of trouble installing on the remote server. Below are a few steps that can be taken for fix common errors.
ssh -X
to login -
export DISPLAY=:99.0
Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Fix for error:
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /home/ubuntu/.conda/envs/T2M-GPT/bin/../lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by /usr/lib/dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri) libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast GLFW emitted error: GLX: Failed to create context: GLXBadFBConfig
rm /home/ubuntu/.conda/envs/T2M-GPT/bin/../lib/ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/ubuntu/.conda/envs/T2M-GPT/bin/../lib/
Fix for
GLFW emitted error: The GLFW library is not initialized
pip install glfw
Fix for error
DISPLAY not found
:export DISPLAY=:99.0
export DISPLAY=:99.0
Fix for
GLFW emitted error: X11: Failed to open display :99.0
Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
To retarget .trc file to SMPL format
python3 src/ # For complete dataset
python3 src/ -f --file <sample-filepath> # Specific trc file
is the path to the trc file containing the xyz co-ordinates of each joint to plot
forces a re-run on retargetting even if pkl file containg smpl data is already present.
Click to download extracted SMPL data from TRC file
pip install
- Raise an issue if you are having trouble installing any of the above packages
Convert Installation details
- Linuxsudo apt install imagemagick
python src/
- To train the generative model we use the 263 representation proposed by Guo et al. ()
Store the retargeted smpl data into a single .pkl file for analysis and training.
python src/
The data from pkl file is converted into 263 HumanML3D format for generation and classifier purposes.
python src/HumanML3D/
Each sample consists of
- root_rot_velocity $ \in R^{seq\_len \times 1}$
- root_linear_velocity $\in R^{seq\_len \times 2}$
- root_y $\in R^{seq\_len \times 1}$
- ric_data $ \in R^{seq\_len \times 3(joint\_num - 1)}$
- rot_data $\in R^{seq\_len \times 6(joint\_num - 1)} $
- local_velocity $\in R^{seq\_len \times 3joint\_num} $
- foot contact $\in R^{seq\_len \times 4} $
Here: 1 + 2 + 1 + 21\*3 + 21\*6 + 22\*3 + 4 = 263
$seq\_len$ is the number of frame
$joint\_num=22$ is the number of joints used my HumanML3D SMPL representation. The last 2 joints (left and right hand) are discarded.
OpenCap installation details
Multiple modules need to be installed
conda install -c opensim-org opensim
git clone
cd $UCSD_OPENCAP_DATASET_DIR/deps git clone --recursive casadi cd casadi git checkout 3.5.5 mkdir -p build cp build apt install swig cmake -DWITH_PYTHON=ON -DWITH_PYTHON3=ON .. make make install cd $UCSD_OPENCAP_DATASET_DIR/deps/opencap-processing
Rajagopal, A., Dembia, C.L., DeMers, M.S., Delp, D.D., Hicks, J.L., Delp, S.L. (2016) Full-body musculoskeletal model for muscle-driven simulation of human gait. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Additional information about the model can be found on the links below:
Relevant papers:
To sync database across different systems. Syncthing uses a DEVICE-ID (created during installation) to transfer files between servers.
Only drawback is that it requires GUI to access both your system and server.
Installation instructions: here
port-forwarding to access gui of the remote server
ssh -L 9000: [email protected] -i ~/Desktop/panini
To sync a folder. First Add folder
on the and add the name and path to the folder to sync
- open the folder box
- click
- Go to tab
- Select server to sync with
Kubernetes syncthing setup manual steps:
- open syncthing everywhere
- add devices everywhere
- folder -> edit everywhere
To run syncthing on the persistant volume
kubectl port-forward pod/data-transfer-pod 32000:8384
To extract muscle simulations