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ROMEA website

Basic information

To modify and run locally the website, you need:

  • Jekyll/bundler
  • ruby 2.x (Warning: might be troublesome to install on recent linux distro)

If you only need to modify an existing page, you can do it online and avoid all the tedious aspects of running the website on local. Just use the github editor!

Clone this repo, then bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental to create a local instance of the website.

Once you are happy with the changes and the website compiles without errors, commit and push, github will deploy automatically. If you don't have the rights, push on another branch and create a PR.

Modify the website

  • Posts are located in _research/ and _people/ folders.
  • Contact and 404 pages are located in _pages/. You don't need to touch any other file in this folder
  • Images should be in assets/images/. Dont hesitate to create subfolders and keep things tidy.

Modify the main page

  • All the information is in
  • To change one of the featured post, modify the feature_row object. Don't forget to also modify the url.

Add a reseach item

To add a research page, simply add a file in the corresponding folder. Don't forget to update the teaser image.

Create a new people page

  1. Fill a new entry in _data/authors/yml.
  2. [Optionnal] add a bibliography (.bibfile) in _bibliography/.
  3. Create a new file in _people/.

Handling citations

The website uses Jekyll-scholar.

Advanced editing

  • For a small css change, you can add your style at the end of assets/css/main.scss. It will override the basic style.
  • To modify the layouts of the pages, add or modify the files in _layout/. As we are using a remote theme, if a file is missing, you need to copy it from the remote theme and then modify. It should override the file of the remote theme.
  • The website is built using Minimal-Mistakes. See the doc for any other modification.


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