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My Neovim in Lua version

It's time to take neovim to the moon :)

BGM if you wish.

If you prefer to use vimscript to configure your neovim, I recommend you to use my previous neovim configuration in vimL.

TODO: setup for nvim-dap-ui

🚀 Usage

Just copy and rename this repo to your $HOME/.config/nvim and get into neovim, lazy.nvim will do the rest of it. 😄Easy-peasy!

⚡️ Requirements

mason.nvim uses npm to install packages like lsps and daps, so you'd better have node installed.

For usage of telescope, ripgrep is required for live_grep and grep_string and is the first priority for find_files.

Necessary if you want to use rnvimr, which makes it easy for you to use ranger in your neovim. It's really great!

It's a python module for python client to communicate with NeoVim(also a checkhealth node). You'd better install it by executing pip install pynvim, because some plugins(like rnvimr) may depend on it.

If you want to use live-server nvim plugin to help you with html live displaying, you better globally install live-server by executing npm i live-server -g.

Neccessary if you want to autogenerate compile_commands.json in GNU make/cmake project(paired with clangd), which means the tool is similar to Bear. You may find that I add a run_file function to make filetype, so you are able to generate json file by pressing r if you really need it.(If you never write C program, then just leave it)

🛠️ LSP

Add a LSP

Cause I use mason-lspconfig.nvim for my lspconfig management, you should notice that mason.nvim package names are not paired with lspconfig server names in the APIs. There is a manual for all the mappings. As for dap server name mappings, please see this.

For example, if you want to install vue-language-server through mason.nvim, you should add volar instead in servers at user/lsp/mason.lua.


If you want to configure the behavior of your lsp, please see this manual, or you can type :h lspconfig-all.

Take pyright for example, you should find 'pyright' in the manual, on that pyright section, you find there a repo on first line, click it and it will lead you to the pyright official repo. In that repo, you can find a manual about how to set pyright, then you just follow the manual to do your preferred configuration.

📜 Snippets

I use LuaSnip to manage all snippets and their behaviors. Don't worry about its function for it works well with nvim-cmp. Though the default snippets collection friendly-snippets holds enough useful snippets for most time, you might still want to add some by yourself.


I believe the LuaSnip official document is well explained. And for my own preference, I make lua/snip as the default repo for custom snippets and load files in the lua way. So if you want to add a snippet, python for example, you could write snip in file python.lua by following the examples.

📋 Clipboard

Neovim does not support direct connection to the system clipboard, instead it depends on a provider to communicate with the system clipboard. For more details, press :h provider-clipboard.

Neovim default paste behavior in visual mode is keeping storing the word selected, which could be really annoying. I made a p keymap that everytime you paste content to a selected word, Neovim won't store it to register. So when you select a word in visual mode, just press p to paste and press P for line-tail word.

💡 Tips for Use

Sometimes we still could not remember some hot keys for functions like getting current character's hexadecimal value, so here is the list to lookup for if forget.

  • gO

    Get a popup window for current help document.

  • ga

    Get the decimal, hexadecimal, and octal value of current character under cursor.

  • :f or <C-g>

    Print the file name of current buffer.

  • <C-]>

    Jump to certain help document referred to current keyword under cursor.

  • q:

    Open cmdline-window, where you can execute or edit history commands(type :h command-line-window for more details)

💻 About NeoVim Win64

Look for Neovim configuration for Windows version? You may need to check out the other branch of this repo




my nvim config in lua version








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