I will write this later...
is a module for making python lazily
evaluated (kinda).
runs under python 3.5 and 3.4.
Why not lazy?
I think lazy computation is pretty cool, I also think python is pretty cool; combining them is double cool.
There are 2 means of using lazy code:
takes a python function and returns a new function that is
the lazy version. This can be used as a decorator.
def f(a, b):
return a + b
Calling f(1, 2)
will return a thunk
that will add 1 and 2 when it
needs to be strict. Doing anything with the returned thunk will keep
chaining on more computations until it must be strictly evaluated.
Lazy functions allow for lexical closures also:
def f(a):
def g(b):
return a + b
return g
When we call f(1)
we will get back a thunk
like we would expect;
however, this thunk is wrapping the function g
. Because g
was created
in a lazy context, it will also be a lazy_function
implicitly. This means
that type(f(1)(2))
is thunk
; but, f(1)(2) == 3
We can use strict to strictly evaluate parts of a lazy function, for example:
>>> @lazy_function
... def no_strict():
... print('test')
>>> strict(no_strict())
In this example, we never forced print, so we never saw the result of the call. Consider this function though:
>>> @lazy_function
... def with_strict():
... strict(print('test'))
>>> strict(with_strict())
>>> result = with_strict()
>>> strict(result)
Here we can see how strict works inside of a lazy function. strict
the argument to be strictly evaluated, forcing the call to print. We can also
see that just calling with_strict
is not enough to evaluate the function,
we need to force a dependency on the result.
This is implemented at the bytecode level to frontload a large part of the cost of using the lazy machinery. There is very little overhead at function call time as most of the overhead was spent at function creation (definiton) time.
We can convert normal python into lazy python with the run_lazy
function which takes a string, the 'name', globals, and locals. This is
like exec
for lazy python. This will mutate the provided globals and
locals so that we can access the lazily evaluated code.
>>> code = """
print('not lazy')
>>> run_lazy(code)
This version of running lazy code uses an AST transformer to restructure the
code. This means that there is a far greater runtime overhead to using this
method of executing lazy python; however, it allows us to write code outside
the body of a function. Just like exec
should be avoided when possible, it
is prefered that users implement lazy code with lazy_function
instead of
At its core, lazy is just a way of converting expressions into a tree
of deferred computation objects called thunk
s. thunks wrap normal
functions by not evaluating them until the value is needed. A thunk
wrapped function can accept thunk
s as arguments; this is how the
tree is built. Some computations cannot be deferred because there is some state
that is needed to construct the thunk, or the python standard defines the
return of some method to be a specific type. These are refered to as 'strict
points'. Examples of strict points are str
and bool
because the python
standard says that these functions must return an instance of their own
type. Most of these converters are strict; however, some other things are
strict because it solves recursion issues in the interpreter, like accessing
on a thunk.
While we can manually write:
thunk(lambda: 2),
thunk(lambda: a),
thunk(lambda: b),
That is dumb.
What we probably wanted to write was:
2 + f(a, b)
To make this conversion, the LazyTransformer
makes the needed
corrections to the abstract syntax tree of normal python.
The LazyTransformer
will thunk
ify all terminal Name
with a context of Load
, and all terminal nodes (Int
, Str
, etc...). This lets the normal python runtime construct the
chain of computations.
is actually a type that cannot be put into a thunk
. For
>>> type(thunk(strict, 2))
Notice that this is not a thunk, and has been strictly evaluated.
To create custom strict objects, you can subclass strict
. This
prevents the object from getting wrapped in thunks allowing you to
create strict data structures.
Objects may also define a __strict__
attribute that defines how to
strictly evalueate the object. For example, an object could be defined
class StrictFive(object):
def __strict__(self):
return 5
This would make strict(StrictFive())
return 5 instead of an instance
of StrictFive
is a value that cannot be strictly evaluated. It is useful as a
placeholder for computations.
We can imagine undefined
in python as:
class undefined(Exception):
class normalizer(object):
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
raise owner
__strict__ = normalizer()
del normalizer
This object will raise an instance of itself when it is evaluated. This is presented as an equivalent definition, though it is actually in c to make nicer stack traces.
Currently, the following things are known to not work:
A recursively defined thunk
is a thunk that appears in its own graph twice.
For example:
>>> a = thunk(lambda: a)
>>> strict(a)
This will cause an infinite loop because in order to strictly evaluate a
we will call the function which returns a
which we will try to strictly
Status: Bug, might fix.
This is basically correct, for example:
>>> a = lambda: a()
>>> a()
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
The difference in the thunk example is that we will drop into c code to preform the recursion so it will not terminate in a reasonable amount of time.
The potential fix could be to try to detect these cycles and raise some
Exception; however, this might be a very expensive check in the good case
making thunk
evaluation much slower.
Because the python spec says the __repr__
of an object must return a
, a call to repr
must strictly evaluate the contents so that
we can see what it is. The repl will implicitly call repr
on things
to display them. We can see that this is a thunk by doing:
>>> a = thunk(operator.add, 2, 3)
>>> type(a)
>>> a
Again, because we need to compute something to represent it, the repl is a bad use case for this, and might make it appear at first like this is always strict.
Um, what did you think it would do?
If we write:
def f(a, b):
print('printing the sum of %s and %s' % (a, b))
return a + b
Then there is no reason that the print call should be executed. No computation depends on the results, so it is casually skipped.
The solution is to force a dependency:
def f(a, b):
strict(print('printing the sum of %s and %s' % (a, b)))
return a + b
is a function that is used to strictly evaluate things.
Because the body of the function is interpreted as lazy python, the
function call is converted into a thunk
, and therefore we can
This is true for any side-effectful function call.
There are some cases where things MUST be strict based on the python language spec. Because this is not really a new language, just an automated way of writing really inefficient python, python's rules must be followed.
For example, __bool__
, __int__
, and other converters expect that
the return type must be a the proper type. This counts as a place where
strictness is needed1.
This might not be the case though, instead, I might have missed something and you are correct, it should be lazy. If you think I missed something, open an issue and I will try to address it as soon as possible.
Sorry, you are using unmanaged state and lazy evaluation, you deserve
this. thunks
cache the normal form so that calling strict the second
time will refer to the cached value. If this depended on some stateful
function, then it will not work as intended.
The library is probably broken. This was written on a whim and I barely thought through the use cases.
Please open an issue and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
- The function call for the constructor will be made lazy in the
(likethunk(int, your_thunk)
), so while this is a place where strictness is needed, it can still be 'optimized' away.