Releases: RogerSelwyn/O365-HomeAssistant
🐛 Fixes
🧰 Maintenance
📚 Documentation
🔖 Release
Note: The primary reason for using the 5.x versions is if you are planning to migrate to MS365 integrations. There is no new functionality planned for O365.
If you have started the migration to the MS365 integrations (Calendar, Mail, Teams, ToDo) you will need to upgrade those to v1.3.0+ at the same time.
🧰 Maintenance
📚 Documentation
🔖 Release
Note: This release will require you to re-authenticate since it brings a major change in the underlying library which has substantially improved the authentication mechanism to remove an issue that some users have suffered from. You should received a repair notification which will require you to re-authenticate each account.
Note: If you have started a migration to the MS365 integrations (Calendar, Mail, Teams, ToDo) you will need to upgrade those to v1.3.x at the same time.
💥 Breaking Changes
⬆️ Dependencies
📚 Documentation
🔖 Release
✨ Enhancements
📚 Documentation
🔖 Release
This integration is slowly moving towards EOL. I have already created integrations which will replace it - MS365-Calendar/Mail/Teams/ToDo, these can be used now using HACS Custom. When these are available on HACS Default I will then stop work on O365-HomeAssistant.
Many will have seen a warning in the logs - Detected that custom integration 'o365' uses 'async_config_entry_first_refresh', which is only supported for coordinators with a config entry and will stop working in Home Assistant 2025.11
- this further forces the EOL due to a change in HA Core, which means that the integration will cease to work after the 2025.11 HA release without really significant re-work. Because this integration is setup via YAML, it does not have a config_entry
, the replacements listed above do.
🐛 Fixes
- Ensure all calls to O365 library methods are async - @RogerSelwyn
- Correct more O365 library call to async - @RogerSelwyn
- Fix typo - @RogerSelwyn
- Don't update todo if status is being changed - @RogerSelwyn
- Fix error in notification send - @RogerSelwyn
🧰 Maintenance
⬆️ Dependencies
📚 Documentation
- Add show_body config attribute - @RogerSelwyn
- Update - @RogerSelwyn
- Update docs - @RogerSelwyn