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Simulator (GAZEBO)

Pablo Castellanos edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Setup the envionment (noetic)

1.- inside your workspace: cd tb3_sim/models

2.- pwd -> this is the path of the models copy this path and paste in the next step

3.- export [path of the models]


Gazebo is an open source simulator, integrated in ROS packages:

  • kobuki in gazebo in an empty world: roslaunch kobuki_gazebo kobuki_empty_world.launch

  • complete kobuki in gazebo in a house: roslaunch robots sim.launch

*run nodes as if you were working with the real robot

Other interesting launchers for kobuki:

  • launch the whole kobuki topics (for real robot): roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch

  • teleoperate the robot whith keyboard arrows: roslaunch kobuki_keyop keyop.launch

You can create your own scenario, it's just simple than:

  1. open Gazebo
  2. Go to: Edit -> Building Editor
  3. create your own house
  4. Save your new scene


rviz is not a simulator as gazebo is a "expresion" of the sensors and actuators of the robot and what things they are doing.

  • launch rviz rosrun rviz rviz
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