This repository houses materials for my Calculus classes at Grand Valley State University. The items in the top level are from the version of the course offered Winter semester 2021 (January-April). That version of the course is being offered in a synchronous online format.
The Fall semester 2020 version of the course is archived in the Fall 2020 folder. That instance was taught in an "asynchronous staggered hybrid" format -- basically hyflex with students meeting twice a week in person and completing the rest of the work asynchronously, and the student groups were staggered M/T and W/R for social distancing purposes. (It was complicated.)
All instances of this course feature:
- A flipped learning structure where students first encounter new concepts through structured guided inquiry assignments (called Daily Preps) and then class time/asynchronous work is focused on mid-level tasks of analysis and application.
- A mastery grading assessment system where almost none of the assignments carried a point value, but student progress in the course was based on the quantity and quality of work completed at or above professional quality standards.
- A significant use of technology to drive learning experiences including the free use of Wolfram|Alpha and Desmos on assessments and in class.
For more information, please email at talbertr @ gvsu . edu.