This is a mini notepad application developed using Python's Tkinter library. This application provides basic functionalities of a notepad like creating new file, opening a file, saving the current file, selecting text, undo and redo, copying and pasting text, changing font style and color, and highlighting text.
Python 3.x Tkinter module math module How to Run To run the application, save the code in a file with extension .py and run it using Python interpreter.
Create a new file: This creates a new file and clears the current text area. If there are any unsaved changes in the current file, it prompts the user to save them.
Open an existing file: This opens a file dialog box and allows the user to select a file to open. If there are any unsaved changes in the current file, it prompts the user to save them.
Save the current file: This saves the current file. If there is no file name assigned to the current file, it prompts the user to save the file with a name.
Save the current file as a new file: This saves the current file with a new name.
Undo and Redo: This undoes or redoes the last action performed in the text area.
Copy, Cut, and Paste: These functions allow the user to copy, cut, and paste text respectively.
Select All: This selects all the text in the text area.
Change font style and size: This allows the user to change the font style and size.
Change font color: This allows the user to change the font color.
Highlight text: This allows the user to highlight the selected text.
About Notepad: This provides information about the Notepad application.
The Notepad class is defined which has methods for handling various operations such as creating a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file, copying, cutting and pasting text, changing the font and font size, changing font color and highlighting text. The class also creates the graphical user interface (GUI) for the notepad, including a text widget, a menu bar with dropdown menus, and key bindings for certain actions. The main code creates a new instance of the Notepad class and runs the main event loop to display the GUI and handle user input.