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How to make a new ripme release

metaprime edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 2 revisions

Publishing a New Release

(These instructions are a work in progress.)

Create the Release

edit draft release develop build main the following way:

  1. create a new tag with version from ripme filename, e.g. 2.1.12-7-d0b97acd
  2. set the title to same name
  3. set previous tag to release tag before, e.g. 2.1.11-20-ca96ce88
  4. press generate release notes button
  5. edit release text as appropriate
  6. save

Another version of instructions that worked for @metaprime:

  • Push latest-main to the version you will want to publish, and wait a few minutes for automation to finish running the build
  • Go to
  • Find development build main
  • Click the "Edit" button
  • Note the version in the filename for the .jar
  • Push a tag with that version number
  • Update the tag on the release to that version numbered tag that matches the .jar's name
  • Change the title on the release to match
  • Uncheck "set as a pre-release"
  • Check "set as the latest release"
  • Click "publish release"

Publish the JSON update so the update check will pick up the new release

then, prepare the repo for update check, and next release:

  1. edit ripme.json, enter new hash, version and short description, and commit
    1. Get the hash by downloading the file and computing a sha256 hash
  2. set the base tag for next release verison calculation, e.g. 2.1.13 on this commit
  3. push tag and commit
  4. remove old base tag, not needed any more, e.g. 2.1.12

Previous Instructions (2018 and before)

Note: To make a new ripme release you must have write access to ripmeapp/ripme and have a github api token

Step 1: Update your local copy of ripme with git pull origin master

Step 2: Run This script will prompt you for a list of changes (separated with a ;) since the last release and then update ripmes version number in a few places and append the list of changes you entered to the change log in ripme.json and commits these changes

Step 3: Run git push origin master to update the remote copy of ripme

Step 4: Run This script has several flags 2 of which are needed to push a new release, these being --file (the path to the jar built by in step 2, this is normally in target/.) and --token (Your github api token). This will make and publish the new release

Warning: The jar you are releasing must be in target/ or will crash