Code for deploying Shiny applications that will run completely in the browser, using Pyodide and webR (Python and R compiled to WebAssembly).
- Current semi-stable version (deployed from
branch of this repo): - Latest dev version (deployed from
branch of this repo):
uses yarn
for dependency management. If running yarn --version
on the machine throws command not found
error, install yarn
on the machine by following the yarn installation documentation here.
You must first initialize the git submodules. This only needs to be done once:
make submodules
After that, you can simply run make all
make all
To build and serve the live Python Examples page:
make serve
To build and serve the live R Examples page:
make serve-r
This will also watch the source files in src/
for changes, and will rebuild and auto-reload the web page when the files change.
To build the shinylive.tar.gz distribution file:
make dist
There is also a Quarto web site which demonstrates the shinylive components in different configurations. To build and serve the test Quarto web site with Quarto components:
make quarto
make quartoserve
This will auto-rebuild and reload the Quarto site when a .qmd file in quarto/
changes, but it will not auto-rebuild when the source TS files change.
You may occasionally need to clean out the built artifacts and rebuild:
make clean
make submodules
make all
You can see many of the make
targets by just running make
$ make
submodules Update git submodules to commits referenced in this repository
submodules-pull Pull latest changes in git submodules
all Build everything _except_ the shinylive.tar.gz distribution file
dist Build shinylive distribution .tar.gz file
node_modules Install node modules using yarn
pyodide_packages_local Copy local package wheels to the pyodide directory
buildjs Build JS resources from src/ dir
buildjs-prod Build JS resources for production (with minification)
watch Build JS resources and watch for changes
serve Build JS resources, watch for changes, and serve site
serve-prod Build JS resources for production, watch for changes, and serve site
buildjs-prod-r Build JS resources for production with webR as the default engine
serve-prod-r Build JS resources for production and serve site with webR as the default engine
serve-r Build JS resources and serve site with webR as the default engine
packages Build htmltools, shiny, and shinywidgets wheels
update_packages_lock Update the shinylive_lock.json file, based on shinylive_requirements.json
update_packages_lock_local Update the shinylive_lock.json file, but with local packages only
retrieve_packages Download packages in shinylive_lock.json from PyPI
update_pyodide_repodata_json Update pyodide/repodata.json to include packages in shinylive_lock.json
create_typeshed_json Create the typeshed.json file which will be used by the shinylive type checker
copy_pyright Copy src/pyright files to build directory
api-docs Build Shiny API docs
quarto Build Quarto example site in quarto/
quartoserve Build Quarto example site and serve
clean-packages Remove built wheels from the packages/ directory
clean Remove all build files
distclean Remove all build files and venv/
test Run tests
test-watch Run tests and watch
After pulling changes to the parent repo, you may need to tell it to update submodules.
git pull
make submodules
If you add a package to shinylive_requirements.json
, the lockfile must also be regenerated:
make update_packages_lock
This an overview of some of the important files and directories in this project.
├── shinylive_requirements.json # List of packages to add on top of standard Pyodide installation.
├── shinylive_lock.json # Lockfile generated from shinylive_requirements.json.
├── build # Generated JS/CSS/wasm components for shinylive (not committed to repo)
├── examples # Shiny app examples used in Examples browser
├── packages # Git submodules for htmltools, shiny, and ipyshiny.
│ ├── py-htmltools # Used for building wheel files for shinylive.
│ ├── py-shiny
│ └── ipyshiny
├── quarto # Sources for an example Quarto site
│ └── docs # Generated files for Quarto site
├── export_template # Files used for deployment via `shinylive deploy`
├── scripts
│ └── # Script for downloading PyPI packages and inserting
│ # package metadata into pyodide's package.json.
├── src # TypeScript source files.
├── site # Example web site with shinylive, served by `make serve`.
└── _shinylive # Directory containing files that are deployed to