- Spin up a Linux Vagrant box of your choice
- Configure Vagrant to use Ansible as the provisioner
- Configure the box with an IP address available to the hosting OS
- Write playbook/playbooks to: i. Install and start docker ii. Build a docker container based on the official Alpine Linux container (library/alpine:latest) iii. Build the container so that nginx is installed and started iv. Configure nginx to serve out some static “Hello World” content v. Start the container as a micro service vi. At the end of the provisioning the URL to the web page should be available from the hosting OS vii. Write appropriate documentation in the repository to explain how someone cloning it should provision the Vagrant VM and access the web URL serving out the “Hello World”
- Install vagrant
- Setup vagrant networking: i. Select vagrant instance from the vagrant ui ii. select settings>network>nat>advanced iii. change tcp host port to 8888 and tcp guest port to 8080
- git clone https://github.com/RikeshKerai/bp.git
- cd bp
- vagrant status
- vagrant up
- open browser eg. chrome/safari/ie
- enter into browser http://localhost:8888/
- Hello World