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Check Composer if you want to read source code. This is a repo only for documentations. However this repo contains an older version of respo-composer.core.

Composer Renderer, Renderer library for Respo Composer


Clojars Project

[respo/composer "0.1.10"]
(respo-composer.core/render-markup markup
  {:data {}
   :level 1
   :templates {"container" nil}

   ; states options
   :state-fns {}
   :state-path []
   :states []}

  (fn [dispatch! op context options]))

options contains :event :props :data :param.

  (read-string (shadow.resource/inline "composer.edn")))

States mechanism is currently being explored, check example in composer-todolist.


Type props Event
box param
space width, height
divider kind, color
text value, data
some value, kind
button text param
link text, href param
icon name, size, color param
template name, data
list value param
input value, textarea param
function name param
inspect value
popup visible
case value, options
element name param
markdown text, class
image src, mode, width, height
case value, options

Props supports values in simple syntaxes:

  • :x would be read as a keyword :x
  • "x and |x would be read as a string "x"
  • 8 is just a number
  • a, means "a"
  • ~:a will be parsed into :a

and @ is the instruction to read from data:

  • @:a, means (get-in data [:a])
  • @:a :b is like (get-in scope [:a :b])
  • @|a, means (get-in data ["a"])
  • @:a :b |c, means (get-in data [:a :b "c"])

# is the instruction for reading states:

  • #:a, means (get-in (:data states) [:a])

data inside list children

  • index
  • item, list item
  • outer, data of outer context

some instruction kinds:

  • nil or :value, detect with nil?
  • :list, :map, detect with empty?
  • :string, detect with not . string/blank?
  • :boolean, detect with #(= "false" %)

space props:

  • width, number
  • height, number

divider props:

  • kind, defaults to horizontal, could be :vertical
  • color, defaults to #eee


