Installing software on shared HPC resources is one of the most significant challenges when porting workflows from desktop computers. In addition to providing common compilers for manual builds, CURC supports a variety of tools for installing software on our systems, including Anaconda, Spack, and Apptainer. Learning how to leverage these tools can save users time and effort in the long run but require an up-front investment. In this Tech Lab*, we will cover the module system and then provide a brief overview of each installation method. Participants will gain hands-on experience building research applications through a series of exercises. This tech lab is the capstone to the “Installing Software on Alpine” series.
In order to follow along with the hands-on component of this workshop, you’ll want to have a research computing account and a very basic understanding of Linux. In addition, it will be beneficial (but not required) to have a general understanding of the installation methods covered, as this Tech Lab is meant to build on our “Installing Software on Alpine” training series.
We will be available for CRDDS Office Hours immediately after this training for any follow-up questions.
- What is an RC Tech Lab?: An RC Tech Lab is a session that is primarily hands-on and assumes a basic conceptual understanding of the topic. You can expect to leave a tech lab having completed hands-on exercises related to the subject area.