SCSB Cloud Config provides server-side and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. With the Config Server, you have a central place to manage external properties for applications across all environments.
- Java 11
- Docker 19.03.13
This file contins the Database connection property for Config Server and should be placed under
spring.datasource.username=XXXXXX (Encrypted Value)
spring.datasource.password=XXXXXX (Encrypted Value)
This file contins Secret key used for Encryption logic and should be placed under
Download the Project , navigate inside project folder and build the project using below command
./gradlew clean build -x test
Naviagte Inside project folder where Dockerfile is present and Execute the below command
sudo docker build -t scsb-config-server .
User the below command to Run the Docker
sudo docker run --name scsb-config-server -v -p : --label collect_logs_with_filebeat="true" --label decode_log_event_to_json_object="true" -e "ENV= -Dspring.config.location=/recap-vol/config/ -Dspring.config.additional-location=/recap-vol/keys/ -Dserver.port=" --network=scsb -d scsb-config-server
With your config server running, you can make HTTP requests to the server to retrieve values from the backend.Use the below URL to get the values.
To Get the Profile Specific Values use the below URL.
Replace PROFILENAME -- with Actual Profile name i.e. DEV,QA,UAT,PROD