Simplicity neovim is neovim repository perfectly setup for speed and the basics
Large file support, faster file loading, completion, linting, tabs, intro windows and formatting.
- lazy.nvim (Lazy loading plugin manager)
- neo-tree.nvim (File explorer replacement for NERDTree) - nui.nvim (UI components library for Neovim plugins) - nvim-window-picker (Simplified window selection interface)
- mason.nvim (Package manager for LSP, DAP, linters, and formatters)
nvim-lspconfig (Quick LSP configuration setup)
mason-lspconfig.nvim (Bridge for Mason and LSPConfig)
nvim-cmp (Completion framework for Neovim)
cmp-nvim-lsp (LSP source for nvim-cmp)
cmp-buffer (Buffer completion source for nvim-cmp)
cmp-cmdline (Command-line completion for nvim-cmp)
- conform.nvim (Code formatting setup)
- nvim-lint (Code linting integration)
- nvim-snippets (Customizable code snippets)
- friendly-snippets (Predefined snippets for multiple languages)
- telescope.nvim (Fuzzy finder and file searching)
- plenary.nvim (Utility functions for Neovim plugins) - telescope-undo.nvim (Enhanced undo tree exploration)
- mini-git (Minimalist Git utilities for Neovim)
- mini.comment (Effortless commenting of code)
- mini.indentscope (Highlights current code scope's indentation)
- which-key.nvim (Displays keybindings as you type)
- snacks.nvim (Large file support and improved loading)
- mini.statusline (Lightweight and customizable statusline)
- mini.tabline (Minimalist tabline management)
- gitsigns.nvim (Git integration and signs in the editor)
- nvim-treesitter (Better syntax highlighting and parsing)
Keymaps will likely be added to the wiki later.
I have a way to select my neovim config on startup, or launch directly, sometimes you just want to go with bare bones, this is it.