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fix def of fDiv; blueprint is out of sync with code
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RemyDegenne committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent 833148d commit 4c6867c
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,155 additions and 233 deletions.
972 changes: 766 additions & 206 deletions TestingLowerBounds/FDiv.lean

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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions TestingLowerBounds/ForMathlib/EReal.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.EReal

open scoped ENNReal NNReal

lemma EReal.mul_eq_top (a b : EReal) :
a * b = ⊤ ↔ (a = ⊥ ∧ b < 0) ∨ (a < 0 ∧ b = ⊥) ∨ (a = ⊤ ∧ 0 < b) ∨ (0 < a ∧ b = ⊤) := by
induction' a, b using EReal.induction₂_symm with a b h x hx x hx x hx x y x hx
· rw [mul_comm, h]
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
<;> cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inr (Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1⟩)
| inr h => cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1
| inr h => cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr ⟨h.2, h.1⟩))
| inr h => exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1⟩))
· simp
· simp [EReal.top_mul_coe_of_pos hx, hx]
· simp
· simp [hx.le, EReal.top_mul_coe_of_neg hx]
· simp
· simp [hx.le, EReal.coe_mul_bot_of_pos hx]
· simp only [EReal.coe_ne_bot, EReal.coe_neg', false_and, and_false, EReal.coe_ne_top,
EReal.coe_pos, or_self, iff_false]
rw [← EReal.coe_mul]
exact EReal.coe_ne_top _
· simp
· simp [hx, EReal.coe_mul_bot_of_neg hx]
· simp

lemma EReal.mul_eq_bot (a b : EReal) :
a * b = ⊥ ↔ (a = ⊥ ∧ 0 < b) ∨ (0 < a ∧ b = ⊥) ∨ (a = ⊤ ∧ b < 0) ∨ (a < 0 ∧ b = ⊤) := by
induction' a, b using EReal.induction₂_symm with a b h x hx x hx x hx x y x hx
· rw [mul_comm, h]
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
<;> cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inr (Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1⟩)
| inr h => cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1
| inr h => cases h with
| inl h => exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr ⟨h.2, h.1⟩))
| inr h => exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl ⟨h.2, h.1⟩))
· simp
· simp [EReal.top_mul_coe_of_pos hx, hx.le]
· simp
· simp [hx, EReal.top_mul_coe_of_neg hx]
· simp
· simp [hx, EReal.coe_mul_bot_of_pos hx]
· simp only [EReal.coe_ne_bot, EReal.coe_neg', false_and, and_false, EReal.coe_ne_top,
EReal.coe_pos, or_self, iff_false]
rw [← EReal.coe_mul]
exact EReal.coe_ne_bot _
· simp
· simp [hx.le, EReal.coe_mul_bot_of_neg hx]
· simp

lemma EReal.coe_ennreal_toReal {x : ℝ≥0∞} (hx : x ≠ ∞) : (x.toReal : EReal) = x := by
lift x to ℝ≥0 using hx
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions TestingLowerBounds/ForMathlib/RnDeriv.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Rémy Degenne. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Rémy Degenne
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Tilted


open Real MeasureTheory Filter

open scoped ENNReal

namespace MeasureTheory.Measure

variable {α β : Type*} {mα : MeasurableSpace α} {mβ : MeasurableSpace β}
{μ ν : Measure α} {κ η : kernel α β} {f g : ℝ → ℝ}

lemma singularPart_eq_zero_of_ac (h : μ ≪ ν) : μ.singularPart ν = 0 := by
rw [← MutuallySingular.self_iff]
exact MutuallySingular.mono_ac (mutuallySingular_singularPart _ _)
AbsolutelyContinuous.rfl ((absolutelyContinuous_of_le (singularPart_le _ _)).trans h)

lemma singularPart_eq_zero (μ ν : Measure α) [μ.HaveLebesgueDecomposition ν] :
μ.singularPart ν = 0 ↔ μ ≪ ν := by
have h_dec := haveLebesgueDecomposition_add μ ν
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, singularPart_eq_zero_of_ac⟩
rw [h, zero_add] at h_dec
rw [h_dec]
exact withDensity_absolutelyContinuous ν _

lemma singularPart_self (μ : Measure α) : μ.singularPart μ = 0 :=
singularPart_eq_zero_of_ac Measure.AbsolutelyContinuous.rfl

lemma singularPart_eq_self (μ ν : Measure α) [μ.HaveLebesgueDecomposition ν] :
μ.singularPart ν = μ ↔ μ ⟂ₘ ν := by
have h_dec := haveLebesgueDecomposition_add μ ν
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
· conv_lhs => rw [h_dec]
simp only [MutuallySingular.add_left_iff]
refine ⟨mutuallySingular_singularPart _ _, ?_⟩
rw [← h, withDensity_congr_ae (rnDeriv_singularPart μ ν)]
· conv_rhs => rw [h_dec]
rw [(withDensity_rnDeriv_eq_zero _ _).mpr h, add_zero]

lemma rnDeriv_add_self_right (ν μ : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ (μ.rnDeriv ν x + 1)⁻¹ := by
have hν_ac : ν ≪ μ + ν := by rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
filter_upwards [Measure.rnDeriv_add' μ ν ν, Measure.rnDeriv_self ν,
Measure.inv_rnDeriv hν_ac] with a h1 h2 h3
rw [Pi.inv_apply, h1, Pi.add_apply, h2, inv_eq_iff_eq_inv] at h3
rw [h3]

lemma rnDeriv_add_self_left (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv ν x / (μ.rnDeriv ν x + 1) := by
have h_add : (μ + ν).rnDeriv (μ + ν) =ᵐ[ν] μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) + ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) :=
( (Measure.rnDeriv_add' μ ν (μ + ν))).2
have h_one_add := ( (Measure.rnDeriv_self (μ + ν))).2
have : (μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν)) =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ 1 - (μ.rnDeriv ν x + 1)⁻¹ := by
filter_upwards [h_add, h_one_add, rnDeriv_add_self_right ν μ] with a h4 h5 h6
rw [h5, Pi.add_apply] at h4
nth_rewrite 1 [h4]
rw [h6]
simp only [ne_eq, ENNReal.inv_eq_top, add_eq_zero, one_ne_zero, and_false, not_false_eq_true,
filter_upwards [this, Measure.rnDeriv_lt_top μ ν] with a ha ha_lt_top
rw [ha, div_eq_mul_inv]
refine ENNReal.sub_eq_of_eq_add (by simp) ?_
nth_rewrite 2 [← one_mul (μ.rnDeriv ν a + 1)⁻¹]
have h := add_mul (μ.rnDeriv ν a) 1 (μ.rnDeriv ν a + 1)⁻¹
rw [ENNReal.mul_inv_cancel] at h
· exact h
· simp
· simp []

lemma rnDeriv_eq_div (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ.rnDeriv ν =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x / ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x := by
filter_upwards [rnDeriv_add_self_right ν μ, rnDeriv_add_self_left μ ν, Measure.rnDeriv_lt_top μ ν]
with a ha1 ha2 ha_lt_top
rw [ha1, ha2, ENNReal.div_eq_inv_mul, inv_inv, ENNReal.div_eq_inv_mul, ← mul_assoc,
ENNReal.mul_inv_cancel, one_mul]
· simp
· simp []

lemma rnDeriv_div_rnDeriv {ξ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] [SigmaFinite ξ]
(hμ : μ ≪ ξ) (hν : ν ≪ ξ) :
(fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv ξ x / ν.rnDeriv ξ x)
=ᵐ[μ + ν] fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x / ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x := by
have h1 : μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) * (μ + ν).rnDeriv ξ =ᵐ[ξ] μ.rnDeriv ξ :=
Measure.rnDeriv_mul_rnDeriv (rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _)
have h2 : ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) * (μ + ν).rnDeriv ξ =ᵐ[ξ] ν.rnDeriv ξ :=
Measure.rnDeriv_mul_rnDeriv ?_
swap; · rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
have h_ac : μ + ν ≪ ξ := by
refine (Measure.AbsolutelyContinuous.add hμ hν).trans ?_
have : ξ + ξ = (2 : ℝ≥0∞) • ξ := by
simp only [Measure.add_toOuterMeasure, OuterMeasure.coe_add, Pi.add_apply,
Measure.smul_toOuterMeasure, OuterMeasure.coe_smul, Pi.smul_apply, smul_eq_mul]
rw [two_mul]
rw [this]
exact Measure.absolutelyContinuous_of_le_smul le_rfl
filter_upwards [h_ac h1, h_ac h2, h_ac <| Measure.rnDeriv_lt_top (μ + ν) ξ,
Measure.rnDeriv_lt_top ν (μ + ν), Measure.rnDeriv_pos h_ac]
with a h1 h2 h_lt_top1 h_lt_top2 h_pos
rw [← h1, ← h2, Pi.mul_apply, Pi.mul_apply, div_eq_mul_inv,
ENNReal.mul_inv (Or.inr (Or.inl, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_assoc,
mul_comm ((μ + ν).rnDeriv ξ a), mul_assoc, ENNReal.inv_mul_cancel',

lemma rnDeriv_eq_div' {ξ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] [SigmaFinite ξ]
(hμ : μ ≪ ξ) (hν : ν ≪ ξ) :
μ.rnDeriv ν =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv ξ x / ν.rnDeriv ξ x := by
have hν_ac : ν ≪ μ + ν := by rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
filter_upwards [rnDeriv_eq_div μ ν, hν_ac (rnDeriv_div_rnDeriv hμ hν)] with a h1 h2
exact h1.trans h2.symm

lemma set_lintegral_eq_zero_of_null {s : Set α} {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (h : μ s = 0) :
∫⁻ x in s, f x ∂μ = 0 := by
have : μ.restrict s = 0 := by simp [h]
simp [this]

def singularPartSet (μ ν : Measure α) := {x | ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x = 0}

lemma measurableSet_singularPartSet : MeasurableSet (singularPartSet μ ν) :=
measurable_rnDeriv _ _ (measurableSet_singleton _)

lemma measure_singularPartSet (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
ν (singularPartSet μ ν) = 0 := by
let s := singularPartSet μ ν
have hs : MeasurableSet s := measurableSet_singularPartSet
have hν_ac : ν ≪ μ + ν := by rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
have h1 : ∫⁻ x in s, ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x ∂(μ + ν) = 0 := by
calc ∫⁻ x in s, ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x ∂(μ + ν)
= ∫⁻ x in s, 0 ∂(μ + ν) := set_lintegral_congr_fun hs (ae_of_all _ (fun _ hx ↦ hx))
_ = 0 := lintegral_zero
have h2 : ∫⁻ x in s, ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x ∂(μ + ν) = ν s :=
Measure.set_lintegral_rnDeriv hν_ac _
exact h2.symm.trans h1

lemma measure_inter_compl_singularPartSet' (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν]
{t : Set α} (ht : MeasurableSet t) :
μ (t ∩ (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ) = ∫⁻ x in t ∩ (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ, μ.rnDeriv ν x ∂ν := by
let s := singularPartSet μ ν
have hs : MeasurableSet s := measurableSet_singularPartSet
have hν_ac : ν ≪ μ + ν := by rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
have : μ (t ∩ sᶜ) = ∫⁻ x in t ∩ sᶜ,
ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x * (μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x / ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x) ∂(μ + ν) := by
have : ∫⁻ x in t ∩ sᶜ,
ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x * (μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x / ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x) ∂(μ + ν)
= ∫⁻ x in t ∩ sᶜ, μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x ∂(μ + ν) := by
refine set_lintegral_congr_fun (ht.inter hs.compl) ?_
filter_upwards [Measure.rnDeriv_lt_top ν (μ + ν)] with x hx_top hx
rw [div_eq_mul_inv, mul_comm, mul_assoc, ENNReal.inv_mul_cancel, mul_one]
· simp only [Set.mem_inter_iff, Set.mem_compl_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, s] at hx
exact hx.2
· exact
rw [this, Measure.set_lintegral_rnDeriv (rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _)]
rw [this, set_lintegral_rnDeriv_mul hν_ac _ (ht.inter hs.compl)]
· exact ((Measure.measurable_rnDeriv _ _).div (Measure.measurable_rnDeriv _ _)).aemeasurable
refine set_lintegral_congr_fun (ht.inter hs.compl) ?_
filter_upwards [Measure.rnDeriv_eq_div μ ν] with x hx
rw [hx]
exact fun _ ↦ rfl

lemma measure_inter_compl_singularPartSet (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν]
{t : Set α} (ht : MeasurableSet t) :
μ (t ∩ (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ) = ∫⁻ x in t, μ.rnDeriv ν x ∂ν := by
rw [measure_inter_compl_singularPartSet' _ _ ht]
calc ∫⁻ x in t, rnDeriv μ ν x ∂ν
= ∫⁻ x in (singularPartSet μ ν) ∩ t, rnDeriv μ ν x ∂ν
+ ∫⁻ x in (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ ∩ t, rnDeriv μ ν x ∂ν := by
rw [← restrict_restrict measurableSet_singularPartSet,
← restrict_restrict measurableSet_singularPartSet.compl,
lintegral_add_compl _ measurableSet_singularPartSet]
_ = ∫⁻ x in t ∩ (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ, rnDeriv μ ν x ∂ν := by
rw [set_lintegral_eq_zero_of_null (measure_mono_null (Set.inter_subset_left _ _) ?_),
Set.inter_comm, zero_add]
exact measure_singularPartSet _ _

lemma restrict_compl_singularPartSet_eq_withDensity
(μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ.restrict (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ = ν.withDensity (μ.rnDeriv ν) := by
ext t ht
rw [restrict_apply ht, measure_inter_compl_singularPartSet μ ν ht, withDensity_apply _ ht]

lemma restrict_singularPartSet_eq_singularPart (μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ.restrict (singularPartSet μ ν) = μ.singularPart ν := by
have h_add := haveLebesgueDecomposition_add μ ν
rw [← restrict_compl_singularPartSet_eq_withDensity μ ν] at h_add
have : μ = μ.restrict (singularPartSet μ ν) + μ.restrict (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ := by
rw [restrict_add_restrict_compl measurableSet_singularPartSet]
conv_lhs at h_add => rw [this]
exact (Measure.add_left_inj _ _ _).mp h_add

lemma absolutelyContinuous_restrict_compl_singularPartSet
(μ ν : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ.restrict (singularPartSet μ ν)ᶜ ≪ ν := by
rw [restrict_compl_singularPartSet_eq_withDensity]
exact withDensity_absolutelyContinuous _ _

example [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] :
μ {x | (ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν)) x = 0} = μ.singularPart ν Set.univ := by
rw [← restrict_singularPartSet_eq_singularPart]
simp only [MeasurableSet.univ, restrict_apply, Set.univ_inter]

end MeasureTheory.Measure
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion TestingLowerBounds/Hellinger.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ namespace ProbabilityTheory
variable {α : Type*} {mα : MeasurableSpace α} {μ ν : Measure α}

/-- Squared Hellinger distance between two measures. -/
noncomputable def sqHellinger (μ ν : Measure α) : ℝ := fDivReal (fun x ↦ 2⁻¹ * (1 - sqrt x)^2) μ ν
noncomputable def sqHellinger (μ ν : Measure α) : ℝ :=
(fDivReal (fun x ↦ 2⁻¹ * (1 - sqrt x)^2) μ ν).toReal

end ProbabilityTheory
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions TestingLowerBounds/KullbackLeibler.lean
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Expand Up @@ -51,17 +51,6 @@ lemma integrable_rnDeriv_smul {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace
Integrable (fun x ↦ (μ.rnDeriv ν x).toReal • f x) ν :=
(integrable_rnDeriv_smul_iff hμν).mpr hf

lemma todo_div [SigmaFinite μ] [SigmaFinite ν] (hμν : μ ≪ ν) :
μ.rnDeriv ν =ᵐ[ν] fun x ↦ μ.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x / ν.rnDeriv (μ + ν) x := by
have hν_ac : ν ≪ μ + ν := by
rw [add_comm]; exact rfl.absolutelyContinuous.add_right _
have h_pos := Measure.rnDeriv_pos hν_ac
have h := Measure.rnDeriv_mul_rnDeriv hμν (κ := μ + ν)
filter_upwards [hν_ac.ae_le h, h_pos, hν_ac.ae_le (Measure.rnDeriv_ne_top ν (μ + ν))]
with x hx hx_pos hx_ne_top
rw [Pi.mul_apply] at hx
rwa [ENNReal.eq_div_iff' hx_ne_top, mul_comm]

end move_this

open Classical in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +87,7 @@ lemma integrable_rnDeriv_mul_log [IsFiniteMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure ν]
lemma klReal_eq_fDivReal_mul_log [SigmaFinite μ] [Measure.HaveLebesgueDecomposition μ ν]
(hμν : μ ≪ ν) :
klReal μ ν = fDivReal (fun x ↦ x * log x) μ ν := by
simp_rw [klReal_of_ac hμν, llr, fDivReal]
/-simp_rw [klReal_of_ac hμν, llr, fDivReal]
conv_lhs =>
rw [← Measure.withDensity_rnDeriv_eq _ _ hμν]
conv in (Measure.rnDeriv (ν.withDensity (μ.rnDeriv ν)) ν) =>
Expand All @@ -112,7 +101,8 @@ lemma klReal_eq_fDivReal_mul_log [SigmaFinite μ] [Measure.HaveLebesgueDecomposi
conv_lhs => rw [h_ν_eq]
rw [integral_withDensity_eq_integral_smul]
swap; · exact (Measure.measurable_rnDeriv _ _).ennreal_toNNReal
congr -/

end llr_and_lrf

Expand All @@ -121,8 +111,9 @@ section klReal_nonneg
lemma klReal_ge_mul_log' [IsFiniteMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure ν]
(hμν : μ ≪ ν) (h_int : Integrable (llr μ ν) μ) :
(μ Set.univ).toReal * log (μ Set.univ).toReal ≤ klReal μ ν :=
(le_fDivReal Real.convexOn_mul_log Real.continuous_mul_log.continuousOn
(integrable_rnDeriv_mul_log hμν h_int) hμν).trans_eq (klReal_eq_fDivReal_mul_log hμν).symm
/-(le_fDivReal Real.convexOn_mul_log Real.continuous_mul_log.continuousOn
(integrable_rnDeriv_mul_log hμν h_int) hμν).trans_eq (klReal_eq_fDivReal_mul_log hμν).symm-/

lemma klReal_ge_mul_log [IsFiniteMeasure μ] [IsFiniteMeasure ν]
(hμν : μ ≪ ν) (h_int : Integrable (llr μ ν) μ) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,13 +156,14 @@ lemma klReal_ge_mul_log [IsFiniteMeasure μ] [IsFiniteMeasure ν]

lemma klReal_nonneg (μ ν : Measure α) [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure ν] :
0 ≤ klReal μ ν := by
by_cases hμν : μ ≪ ν
/- by_cases hμν : μ ≪ ν
swap; · simp [hμν]
by_cases h_int : Integrable (llr μ ν) μ
· rw [klReal_eq_fDivReal_mul_log hμν]
exact fDivReal_nonneg Real.convexOn_mul_log Real.continuous_mul_log.continuousOn
(by simp) (integrable_rnDeriv_mul_log hμν h_int) hμν
· rw [klReal_of_ac hμν, integral_undef h_int]
· rw [klReal_of_ac hμν, integral_undef h_int] -/

end klReal_nonneg

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions TestingLowerBounds/Renyi.lean
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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ noncomputable def renyiReal (a : ℝ) (μ ν : Measure α) : ℝ :=
if a = 0 then - log (ν {x | 0 < (∂μ/∂ν) x}).toReal
else if a = 1 then klReal μ ν
else if a < 1 ∨ μ ≪ ν
then (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν)
-- todo: review this def
then (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * (fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν).toReal)
else 0

lemma renyiReal_zero (μ ν : Measure α) :
Expand All @@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ lemma renyiReal_one (μ ν : Measure α) : renyiReal 1 μ ν = klReal μ ν := b

lemma renyiReal_of_pos_of_lt_one (μ ν : Measure α) (ha_pos : 0 < a) (ha_lt_one : a < 1) :
renyiReal a μ ν
= (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν) := by
= (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * (fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν).toReal) := by
rw [renyiReal, if_neg', if_neg, if_pos (Or.inl ha_lt_one)]

lemma renyiReal_of_one_lt (ha_one_lt : 1 < a) (hμν : μ ≪ ν) :
renyiReal a μ ν
= (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν) := by
= (a - 1)⁻¹ * log (1 + (a - 1) * (fDivReal (fun x ↦ (a - 1)⁻¹ * (x ^ a - 1)) μ ν).toReal) := by
rw [renyiReal, if_neg (zero_lt_one.trans ha_one_lt).ne', if_neg',
if_pos (Or.inr hμν)]

Expand Down

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