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Repository files navigation


StaticFileServer is an all-in-one JAR-bundled web server designed to serve assets and large files effortlessly. It uses Flash for the backend and React + TailwindCSS for the frontend, making it lightweight, efficient, and easy to use.

Here's a preview of the web interface:

StaticFileServer Screenshot

🌟 Features

  • 📂 Serve static files from a specified directory with ease
  • 🚀 Built-in React frontend for an intuitive user interface
  • 🔥 Flash-based backend for high performance
  • 🎨 Customizable UI (logo, favicon, and title)
  • ⚙️ Lightweight and self-contained (single JAR deployment)
  • 🔧 Configurable via config.yml

📥 Getting Started

Option 1: Download Pre-built JAR

  1. Download the latest release from the Releases tab.
  2. Run the server with:
java -jar StaticFileServer.jar

Option 2: Build from Source

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd StaticFilesServer
  1. Build the frontend bundles:
cd frontend
pnpm run build
cd ..
  1. Build the backend using Gradle:
./gradlew build
  1. Run the JAR:
java -jar build/libs/StaticFileServer.jar

⚙️ Configuration

When you first run the server, it will generate a config.yml file in the working directory. You can modify it to suit your needs:

serverPort: 8080 # Port on which the server will run
filesDir: "/path/to/your/files" # Directory where the files are stored
logoUrl: "" # URL to the logo image (can point to the server itself)
faviconUrl: "" # URL to the favicon image (can point to the server itself)
title: "Static Files Server" # Title of the website

Make sure that filesDir points to a valid directory with read access.


StaticFileServer is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.