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The RelationalAI Testing Kit for Rel

Provides a framework for defining and running tests for Rel projects. Tests can be defined in 2 ways:

  1. in Rel files using folder structure and file naming conventions, or
  2. in Julia files using ReTestItems tests

RAIRelTest can be used from the command line (using the rai_rel_test command) or from the REPL (start it using rai_rel_test repl).

For Rel tests, it provides functions to execute tests for the whole repository (test_packages), for a single package (test_package), a single suite within a package (run_suite) and a single test within a suite (run_test). It also provides other supporting functions, such as run_script, install_package, prepare_package and prepare_suite.

Julia tests can be executed by package or file.

Basic Usage


  1. RAI's .rai/config has a profile with credentials to use a cloud account.

Recommended Setup

It is recommended that you create an engine in the account configured above, which rai-rel-test will use. If this is not configured, rai-rel-test will create a pool of engines on-demand. That is useful for running on CI, but may be too slow for interactive usage.

You can configure the engine name by setting the RAI_ENGINE env var, or you can configure a session value (see next section).

    export RAI_ENGINE=my_engine

Using the REPL

Start the REPL:

    ./rai_rel_test repl

If RAI_ENGINE was not set up, you can configure the engine for this session in the REPL:

    julia> set_session_engine!("my_engine")

Tip: you can also set which profile from .rai/config to use in the session with set_session_context!("another_profile").

Run all tests for a package. The argument is the path to the directory where the package is located.

    julia> test_package("../my_package")