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Samuel Carvalho / Nº a 22201379

What each one have done:

Since i worked in this project alone, it can be said that i was the one who have done everything. Of course, with help of some collegues.

Game Mechanics:

Starting of the project

This project was started like many others, by setting the game window and creating the main loop of the game.

Setting the window size -

def __init__(self):
    frame_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
    middle_screen_position = pygame.Vector2(frame_surface.get_width() / 2, frame_surface.get_height() / 2)
    self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    self.fps_target = 60

Game Main Loop -

    def run(self):

    if self.__current_scene is None:
    running = True

    while running:
        pygame.display.set_caption(f"FPS: {self.clock.get_fps():.2f}")

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_p:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
            elif event.type == QUIT:
                running = False

        # frame update

Creation of the player:

After setting the main loop and the background, the next thing that was done was the creation of the player and it's statistics like movement, acceleration and etc. Inside the player was also set the shoot option.

Parameters for each actions -

    # move
    self.max_move_speed = 2.5
    self.current_move_speed = 0
    self.acceleration = 0.05
    self.deceleration = 0.02

    # rotate
    self.angle = 0
    self.angular_velocity = 2

    # direction
    self.move_direction = Vector2(0, 0)

Shoot function inside the player -

    def __shoot(self):
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[K_SPACE] and not self.timer.is_timer_active_read_only:
            # instantiate bullet
            bullet_position = self.position.copy()
            Bullet(bullet_position, self.angle, self.move_direction, self.frame_surface,
                   self.list_of_entities, "assets/bullet.png")

Function regarding the rotation of the player -

    def __rotate(self):
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[K_RIGHT]:
            self.angle -= self.angular_velocity
        elif keys[K_LEFT]:
            self.angle += self.angular_velocity
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.img_original, self.angle)
        self.image_rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.position)

Function regarding the direction of the player -

    def __generate_move_direction(self):
        angle_in_rads = math.radians(self.angle + 180)
        self.move_direction.x = math.sin(angle_in_rads)
        self.move_direction.y = math.cos(angle_in_rads)
        if self.move_direction.magnitude() != 0:
            self.move_direction = self.move_direction.normalize()

Acceleration -

     def __accelerate(self):
         self.current_move_speed += self.acceleration
         if self.current_move_speed > self.max_move_speed:
             self.current_move_speed = self.max_move_speed

Deceleration -

    def __decelerate(self):
        self.current_move_speed -= self.deceleration
        if self.current_move_speed < 0:
            self.current_move_speed = 0

Movement -

    def __move(self):
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        move = False
        if keys[K_UP]:
            move = True

        if move:

        incremento = self.move_direction * self.current_move_speed
        new_position = self.position + incremento
        self.position = new_position

Creation of the bullet:

Like it's possible to observe in the previous code samples there is a shoot function, that will be used to interact with the comets later on. At the time the focus was to define the bullet parameters and for it to be shot from the player and travel throught scene.

Class containing the bullet and it's properties -

    class Bullet(Entity):

        Instantiated_Bullets = []

        def __init__(self, initial_position, angle, direction, frame_surface, list_of_entities: list, img_path):
            super().__init__(initial_position, frame_surface, list_of_entities, img_path)


            self.angle = angle
            self.direction = direction
            self.bullet_speed = 4
            self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, angle)

            self.life_time_timer = Timer(4*1000)

        def update(self):
            self.position += self.direction * self.bullet_speed
            if not self.life_time_timer.is_timer_active_read_only:

        def destroy(self):
            super(Bullet, self).destroy()

Wrap Around:

After creating and setting the scenario, the player and the bullet, it was time to create the wrap around function. A function in which allows the player and the game objects like the bullet or the comets to appear in the opposite side of the map after exceeding the limits of the himself. Every object as a connection to this function.

        def wrap_around(self):
            if self.image is None:
            # x
            if self.position.x > self.frame_surface.get_width() + self.image.get_width()/2:
                self.position.x = 0
            elif self.position.x + self.image.get_width()/2 < 0:
                self.position.x = self.frame_surface.get_width()
            # y
            if self.position.y > self.frame_surface.get_height() + self.image.get_height() / 2:
                self.position.y = 0
            elif self.position.y + self.image.get_height()/2 < 0:
                self.position.y = self.frame_surface.get_height()

Creation of the comets and the interactions with the other objects:

After setting all of that, finally, the comets were added to the game with their respective parameters and actions when they interact with other game objects.

Class containing the comets -

class Comet(Entity):

        def __init__(self, rank: Rank, initial_position, frame_surface, list_of_entities: list):
            super().__init__(initial_position, frame_surface, list_of_entities, "assets/comet.png")

            self.rank = rank

            if rank == Rank.Big:
                self.circle_trigger = CircleTrigger(self.position, 80)
                self.alpha = 1
            elif rank == Rank.Mid:
                self.circle_trigger = CircleTrigger(self.position, 40)
                self.alpha = 255
            elif rank == Rank.Small:
                self.circle_trigger = CircleTrigger(self.position, 20)
                self.alpha = 255

            self.appearing_speed = 1.5

            # random direction and movement
            self.angle = random.randint(1, 360)
            self.angle_in_rads = math.radians(self.angle + 180)
            self.direction = pygame.Vector2(math.sin(self.angle_in_rads), math.cos(self.angle_in_rads))
            self.move_speed = 2

Interaction with the player -

        if self.circle_trigger.is_there_overlap_with_rect(Player.Rect_Trigger.inner_rect_read_only):
            print("player is inside me")
            CometManager.GameOver = True

Interavtion with the bullet -

        for bullet in Bullet.Instantiated_Bullets:
            if self.circle_trigger.is_there_overlap_with_point(bullet.position):
                if self.rank == Rank.Big:
                    CometManager.Score += 3
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                        Comet(Rank.Mid, self.position.copy(), self.frame_surface, self.list_of_entities)
                elif self.rank == Rank.Mid:
                    CometManager.Score += 6
                    for i in range(0, 5):
                        Comet(Rank.Small, self.position.copy(), self.frame_surface, self.list_of_entities)
                elif self.rank == Rank.Small:
                    CometManager.Score += 12

Score Counting, Start Screen, Game-Over Screen and Leaderboard registration and ranks:

In this game, the score of the player comes from the ammount of comets destroyed. The score counting is present inside them, in the bullet collision function. After they are destroyed they give to the player the value each one has.

        for bullet in Bullet.Instantiated_Bullets:
            if self.circle_trigger.is_there_overlap_with_point(bullet.position):
                if self.rank == Rank.Big:
                    CometManager.Score += 3
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                        Comet(Rank.Mid, self.position.copy(), self.frame_surface, self.list_of_entities)
                elif self.rank == Rank.Mid:
                    CometManager.Score += 6
                    for i in range(0, 5):
                        Comet(Rank.Small, self.position.copy(), self.frame_surface, self.list_of_entities)
                elif self.rank == Rank.Small:
                    CometManager.Score += 12

The start screen:

It has the game background, a costum interface with functional buttons.


The game over screen:

This scene is just a screen with " Game Over" written on it to tell the player that he has died.


The Scoreboard:

This shows the score of the people who played the game.


Register the score:

Finally, this is the screen that appears when a player does a new record on the game.


References and mentions:

The creation of this project was very complicated, because i had to work on my own ann also i'm not a great prgrammer(for now, i hope). With this said, i had to ask my collegues and friends to help me with this project. The ones who i had asked for help in this project were João Neto and Daniel Dantas, when i asked help with something they always helped. I have to give a special thanks to João Neto, because i have used scripts from his own engine and finally but the most important to thank the teacher Phil Lopes for extending the delivery date to finish this work.


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