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Iterators Build Status

This is a set of frequently used iterators for Haxe collections and other types.

All iterators are designed to have zero impact on runtime performance.

Compatible with Haxe 3.4 and 4.0


haxelib install iterators


using Iterators;

for(i in { //.step() is optional

var str = 'hello';
for(c in str.chars()) {

Full list of available iterators:

class MapIterators {
	 *  Map iterator which allows you to get key & value in one go.
	 *  ```
	 *  var m = [1 => 'hello'];
	 *  for(p in map.pairs()) {
	 *  	trace(p.key); // 1
	 *  	trace(p.value); // hello
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function pairs<K,V>(map:Map<K,V>) return new MapPairIterator(map);
class DynamicAccessIterators {
	 *  Iterator for `haxe.DynamicAccess` which allows you to get key & value in one go.
	 *  ```
	 *  var obj:DynamicAccess<String> = {hello:'world'};
	 *  for(p in obj.pairs()) {
	 *  	trace(p.key); // hello
	 *  	trace(p.value); // world
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function pairs<V>(obj:DynamicAccess<V>) return new KeyValueDynamicAccessIterator(obj);
class ArrayIterators {
	 *  Array iterator which allows you to get index & value in one go.
	 *  ```
	 *  var a = ['hello'];
	 *  for(p in a.pairs()) {
	 *  	trace(p.index); // 0
	 *  	trace(p.value); // 'hello'
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function pairs<V>(array:Array<V>) return new IndexValueIterator(array);
	 *  Array iterator which iterates from the end to the beginning of an array and allows you to get index & value in one go.
	static public inline function reversePairs<V>(array:Array<V>) return new IndexValueReversiveIterator(array);
	 *  Array iterator which iterates from the end to the beginning of an array.
	static public inline function reverseValues<V>(array:Array<V>) return new ValueReversiveIterator(array);
class StringIterators {
	 *  String iterator which allows you to get index & character in one go.
	 *  ```
	 *  var str = 'hello';
	 *  for(p in str.pairs()) {
	 *  	trace(p.index);
	 *  	trace(p.char);
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function pairs(str:String) return new IndexCharIterator(str);
	 *  String iterator which iterates from the end to the beginning of a string and allows you to get index & character in one go.
	static public inline function reversePairs(str:String) return new IndexCharReversiveIterator(str);
	 *  String iterator over characters.
	 *  ```
	 *  var str = 'hello';
	 *  for(c in str.chars()) {
	 *  	trace(c); // Sequentially prints: h, e, l, l, o
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function chars(str:String) return new CharIterator(str);
	 *  String iterator over characters from the end to the beginnning of a string.
	static public inline function reverseChars(str:String) return new CharReversiveIterator(str);
	 *  String iterator over codes of characters.
	 *  ```
	 *  var str = 'hi';
	 *  for(c in str.charCodes()) {
	 *  	trace(c); // Sequentially prints: 104, 105
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function charCodes(str:String) return new CharCodeIterator(str);
	 *  String iterator over codes of characters from the end to the beginnning of a string.
	 *  ```
	 *  var str = 'hi';
	 *  for(c in str.charCodes()) {
	 *  	trace(c); // Sequentially prints: 105, 104
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function reverseCharCodes(str:String) return new CharCodeReversiveIterator(str);
class LengthIterators {
	 *  Iterator for values with `length` field which iterates over indices from the end to the beginning of a `value`.
	static public inline function reverseIndices<T:{var length(default,never):Int;}>(value:T) return new IndexReversiveIterator(value.length);
class IntIterators {
	 *  Int iterator from `from` (including) to `to` (excluding).
	 *  ```
	 *  var value = 10;
	 *  for(i in {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10, 11, 12
	 *  }
	 *  for(i in {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10, 9, 8
	 *  }
	 *  for(i in {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10, 12, 14
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static inline public function to(from:Int, to:Float) return new IntIterator(from, to);
class FloatIterators {
	 *  Float iterator from `from` (including) to `to` (excluding).
	 *  ```
	 *  var value = 10.5;
	 *  for(i in value.floatTo(13)) {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10.5, 11.5, 12.5
	 *  }
	 *  for(i in value.floatTo(7)) {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10.5, 9.5, 8.5
	 *  }
	 *  for(i in value.floatTo(12).step(0.5)) {
	 *  	trace(i); // Sequentially prints: 10.5, 11, 11.5
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static inline public function floatTo(from:Float, to:Float) return new FloatIterator(from, to);
class AnonymousObjectIterators {
	 *  Object iterator which allows you to get field name & value in one go.
	 *  It is only guaranteed to work with anonymous objects.
	 *  @throws iterators.exceptions.IllegalValueException - if `object` is not an object.
	 *  ```
	 *  var obj:Any = Json.parse(data);
	 *  for(f in obj.fields()) {
	 *  	trace(;
	 *  	trace(f.value);
	 *  }
	 *  ```
	static public inline function fields(object:Dynamic) return new FieldValueIterator(object);


A collection of useful iterators for Haxe








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