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RealistikDash edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 1 revision


This wiki will explain the details of how RealistikPanel configuration works.

Basic Info

The configuration for RealistikPanel is stored in a config.json file. The file is generated when RealistikPanel is first started ran.

Options (config keys)

  • Port - Port on which the panel will be ran
  • SQLHost - The host of the MySQL server.
  • SQLUser - The username of the MySQL User.
  • SQLDatabase - The osu server MySQL database.
  • SQLPassword - The password of the MySQL user.
  • RedisHost - The host of the redis server.
  • RedisPort - The port of the redis server.
  • RedisDb - The redis database for the osu server.
  • RedisPassword - The password for redis.
  • ServerName - Your osu server name.
  • ServerURL - The URL to your server's frontend.
  • LetsAPI - The URL to the LETS API.
  • AvatarServer - The URL to the avatar server.
  • BanchoURL - The URL to your server's bancho.
  • BeatmapMirror - The URL to a beatmap mirror you wish to use.
  • IpLookup - The URL to an IP Lookup API.
  • HasRelax - (T/F) Does your server have the relax game mode?
  • HasAutopilot - (T/F) Does your server have the autopilot game mode?
  • AvatarDir - The directory of your server's avatars.
  • Webhook - The URL to the Discord webhook that posts newly ranked beatmaps.
  • UseRecaptcha - (T/F) Do you want ReCaptcha v2?
  • RecaptchaSecret - The ReCaptcha secret key.
  • RecaptchaSiteKey - The ReCaptcha site key.
  • PageSize - The lenght of pages in RealistikPanel.
  • SecretKey - Encryption key used for some user-panel encryption.
  • DevBuild - (T/F) Dev mode. Creates new build numbers and ignores updates.
  • UserCountFetchRate - Time (in minutes) between getting current player count for graph.
  • GitHubRepo - The URL to the GitHub Repo.
  • CurrentIP - The current IP of your osu server used for /current.json
  • TimezoneOffset - UTC offset to add to all times.
  • DonorBadgeID - The ID of the donor badge.
  • VerifiedBadgeID - The ID of your verified badge.
  • ConsoleLogWebhook - The URL of the Discord webhook used to send all console logs.
  • AdminLogWebhook - The URL of the Discord webhook used to send all Admin Logs (aka RAP Logs).
  • TimestampType - Type of timestamps to use (Options: unix (eg 1594743436) | ainu (eg 20200714))
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