🔭 I’m currently working on Hexlet-friends
🌱 I’m currently learning FastAPI
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on OCRHelper
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://cv.hexlet.io/ru/resumes/3473
Hexlet-friends - service to track contributions from members of the Hexlet community to the Hexlet open-source projects on GitHub.
Task-Manager - task management system similar to Redmine. It allows you to set tasks, assign performers and change their statuses.
OCRHelper - app for translating text from the screen using EasyOCR. As well search for the meaning of a word using ChatGPT or as simply copy it to the clipboard.
Page Analyzer - web app that analyzes specified pages for SEO suitability. When checking a web page using Page Analyzer, the application will extract several HTML tags that are important for SEO.
Gendiff - tool that determines the difference between two data structures. Supports json and yaml. A similar mechanism is, for example, used when outputting tests or automatically tracking changes in configuration files.
Brain Games - set of five console games built on the principle of popular mobile applications for brain training.